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Sylvie Branch : K.I.S.S. Your Way to a Happy Valentine's Day

K.I.S.S. Your Way to a Happy Valentine's Day

Creative tips for creating the perfect card.

By Sylvie Branch

Homemade Valentine's Day cards are fun and easy to create. No need to turn to the same old mass produced products. A few simple items and a snowy afternoon are it takes to create special, home-made cards.

The easiest way to make a Valentine's Day card is to simply fold a piece of paper in half and decorate. Changing the type of paper and the way you decorate it, makes all the difference. K.I.S.S. your card making anxiety away by remembering these seven tips when making Valentine's Day cards for friends, family, coworkers and loved ones.

1. Keep it Small Sweetheart.

Especially for school Valentine's, use small 3 X 5, or 4 X 6 pieces of cardstock, or paper folded in half. The home made cards don't need to stand out because of their size alone! A tall, skinny card is also a good look.

2. Keep it Simple Silly.

Cut heart shapes out of paper, fabric, wallpaper or wrapping paper and glue it on the front.

3. Keep it So Sparkly.

Kids love to use glitter. Draw designs with a bottle of glue and then sprinkle glitter on top, or try glitter glue or even sparkly nail polish. Another less messy option is to use salt. Spread a glue stick over the area and then sprinkle salt. The iridescent sparkles add just enough bling.

4. Keep it Sane Sunshine.

Use all the help available. Stickers, stencils and stamps make the job easier, quicker and produce great results. Clip art is another great way to add a graphic aspect to your cards while cutting the labor down significantly. Cookie cutters make fine stencils and potatoes, apples, Styrofoam and sponges can all be cut into simple stamps.

5. Keep it a Secret, Shhhh.

Cut words out of magazines to create a ransom note like Valentine's Day card. Collage pictures and words on the front of the card that tell a story or simple spell Happy Valentine's Day with different font and colors.

6. Keep it Sweet, Sugar.

Add a piece of candy and use a play on words, such as; "You are my Bit O' Honey", "I love you, Now and Later", "Hugs from your Valentine"

7. Keep it Sentimental Sweetie.

When making a card for your significant other, feel free to go mushy. Use a love quote or a part of a poem, take a photo of the two of you and alter it on the computer, or up at the photo center. Take a turn in a photo booth and using your hands act out I love you in the frames. For "I", point to your eye, for "Love", make a heart shape out of your hands and look through, for "You", point to the camera and lastly, cover your mouth coyly, or smile big! •

© 2010 Sylvie Branch. All rights reserved.

Sylvie Branch is a highly-caffeinated full-time creative professional, writer, artist, educator, mama to four amazing kids and happily married to a very patient man.
