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Creativity in Motion with Michele Batz
Authors : Michele Batz

Moving Creatively in the Gym & Classroom

Michele Batz makes physical education creative and fun!

Michele Batz
Michele Batz Interview
Michele's creativity-inspiring responses to questions about her teaching style, instilling leadership qualities in kids, and her philosophy on life.

Michele Batz is a 30+ year physical educator with a masters and PhD in holistic nutrition and masters in Administration.

She's a fitness writer and enjoys motivating others physically and creatively. The arts with movement is an element she is working on in her classes and with the help of CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Children's Health) to combine all elements of leading a healthy, active life. CATCH involves the whole school community, physical education teachers, classroom teachers, cafeteria, parents and the community. This is a wonderful way to educate our youth to fight children's obesity.

Michele enjoys life with her husband in Northern Illinois. After losing her son Cory to cancer in 2012, they started Cory's Project, a public charity organization that supports the children in the HOT unit at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Creativity in Motion Series

Creative Physical Education K-5 Lesson Plans

The Main Adventure: Holiday Treasure Hunt
Kids work together to hunt for hidden holiday or special theme treasures in this collaborative memory game.

Creative Writing & Idea Sharing in Gym Class
Collaborative story writing and idea sharing made to be creative and fun!

Geocaching for the Classroom
If you have not experienced this live treasure hunt with your students, You MUST!

Creativity Amongst the Stars
"If you were a super hero, what one power would you like to possess?!"

Cookie Monster Recess Running Game
If you are looking for a quick and easy game for recess time, have I got the game for you!

Make a Word Relay
Kids on teams work together to create words from colorful consonant cards. Then they add up their points to see which team wins!

Challenge Station for Grades K-5
Challenge Stations provide fitness fun combined with creativity and collaboration kids will love.

Fitness Activity Articles

Fitness! On Goals and Taking Action
No more excuses or procrastinating the tomorrows, take action today.

Keeping Kids Active During Cold Weather
It's cold outdoors; your children are spending more time indoors and are less likely to be physically active. Want to get them moving again?