What will you create in your world today?


The Great Creativity Illuminator

Cast Light Upon Thee: The Great Creativity Illuminator

Curious? Crack your openness to experience and let the light shine in! These bits-o-wisdom, think-ables, and prompts are curated from global creativity experts, leaders, and deck dealers and are designed to activate your genetic disposition towards originality and authenticity.

Positive PlayFULLness

Positive Playfullness


How Can You Make Life More Playful?

Positive Playfullness is not merely about indulging in games or frivolous activities; it's an attitude, a way of engaging with the world that embraces curiosity, humor, and a light-hearted spirit.


Angela Blaha, Whispers of Eternity

Angela Blaha

The Art of Channeling: Creativity as a Portal to Higher Consciousness

There's a moment in the creative process when the world fades away. Time loses its grip, reality blurs, and something deep within begins to stir —a knowing, a pulse of energy that feels both otherworldly and profoundly personal.

Outside the Box

Baa-d Art


When Making Baa-d Art is Good

What is art? This age-old question first emerged with prehistoric critics at the sight of a cave painting of a banana affixed to the wall by a leaf. Crushed by the criticism, Grog the esteemed Paleolithic artist, eventually ditched the paintbrush and became a diet guru.


The Great Creativity Illuminator

Cast Light Upon Thee: The Great Creativity Illuminator

Curious? Crack your openness to experience and let the light shine in! These bits-o-wisdom, think-ables, and prompts are curated from global creativity experts, leaders, and deck dealers and are designed to activate your genetic disposition towards originality and authenticity.


Valerie Day Interview


Nu Shooz Musician, Teacher, and Coach Valerie Day

Valerie Day is a mother, educator, neuroscience and psychology geek, and creative explorer who fronted the Grammy-nominated band Nu Shooz in the 80s with pop hits in heavy rotation on MTV.



Perfect Personal Essay

What will AI mean to the future of writing?

Thinking about what AI will mean to the future of writing, I felt the impulse to write a book on how important essays are and to beg you all to not succumb to the ease of letting some artificial entity take your voice, use your voice, and then dull your voice.



Riva Weinstein

The Creative Squeeze

There are endless ways to turn the creative squeeze into nurturing hugs of creative energy and inspiration. Creative prompts are everywhere waiting to be discovered and explored.



ADVENTure #7

ReminiScent Ol'Factory

Use these questions to prompt you into time travel. List the scents that trigger fun childhood memories. Where do they come from? What were you doing when you encountered them?

Tarotble Card Readings

Starchy Seeds Card

Madam Bedazzle's Tarotble Readings

Starchy Seeds Card

Summertime matinees with stocked snack bars has Bedazzle thirsty to address the duality of "starch seeds" and their symbolic significance in handfuls of crunches and munches, which by the way, *are* different things.



SoulCollage® Prompt

Develop Inner Vision

Get quiet for a few moments and look (really look) inside your own heart. What is going on inside of you? If you stop and take a look, can you see?

Fostering Creativity

Fostering Creativity in Children

Fostering Creativity in Children

Nurturing Growing Creative Minds

That inner “Wow!” That tingle of excitement. That feeling of “Yes! That’s what it’s all about!” That’s the moment that makes me so thankful to be a teacher of young children — when a child spontaneously, unselfconsciously creates a song, a way to play a musical instrument, a new dance move. That’s the moment that shows me that I’ve created a safe place to share ideas, and that the child’s imagination is active and thriving.

9 Modern Day Muses

Symbol of Arnold

Modern Day Muses

Arnold: The Muses Hire a Bodyguard

Arnold, the Muses Bodyguard, protects you from all of the adversaries of the creative process — the traitors to your unfolding as a creative possibility in self-realized splendor. Arnold protects you from adversaries of the creative process. The bodyguard is a spirit in defender form.

More Muses


Invoking the Muses

Clio's Lessons

The Athenian muses were the nine sister goddesses of imagination, inspiration, and the arts in ancient Greek mythology. Her head is crowned with laurel leaves, and her eyes are bright. Celebrate the gifts of history, education and knowledge that come from the Athenian Muse Clio.


The Holy Wild

Danielle Dulsky

Our Wild Art and Unbridled Sensuality: Embodying the Crone-Mermaid

To be human is to be tasked to create. We are born with the capacity to feel deeply for a reason, with the instinct to make something new out of the old and birth some great majesty from the union between body and imagination. To place restrictions on a woman's sensuality is also to restrain her creativity.

Art Making


Jeff Scarterfield

Drawing Made Fun

Ever try to draw your favorite superhero or cartoon character? Jeff Scarterfield makes it look easy. He's an amazingly talented artist and art instructor who creates drawing lessons aimed at making the learning process both simple and fun. Learn more about his influences and best tips for creating art.

Free Printables

Tee Time

Swing Into Creative Play!

Tee Time: Wordplay & Warm-Ups

MetaFOREing on the game of golf, play these 18 holes to expand your creative thinking of possibilities. Disengage your work-a-day brain to invite innovative thinking in through fun activities with a twist of humor.