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Balloon Art
Arts & Crafts : Explore Balloon Twisting Art & Balloony Sculpture

Explore Balloon Twisting Art & Inflatable Balloony Sculpture

Balloon twisting and sculpture is a fun activity often done at carnivals, fairs, and parties by clowns and entertainers. But you needn't be a professional to learn the the secrets of balloon-making art. Explore the techniques and tricks of the trade from balloon artists online who show you the show you the basics of twisting balloons into simple objects, novelty items, animals, famous characters, and complex sculptures.

How to Properly Inflate a Balloon

Balloon Fun People love Balloon Animals. But before you can start twisting a balloon you need to inflate it. There are two ways to blow up a balloon: use a pump or your lungs. I highly suggest you use a pump. Blowing up a balloon by mouth is very difficult.

Why are the thin balloons harder to blow up than the round balloons? Round balloons have an evenly displaced diameter. This means that as the balloon inflates its volume gets greater, thus the pressure is the same through out the balloon. Thin balloons, like pencils, have a much smaller diameter and length to it. This means that the volume is much less than a round balloon while its surface area is about the same. The result is that the pressure of a thin balloon is incredibly stronger.

So how do you overcome its massive pressure? Is there a trick? The trick to inflating a balloon by mouth is blow really hard. Simple enough? Not really. It's easier said then done. But don't give up hope, there are exercises you can do to help you inflate pencil balloons. Breath in as deep as you can fast as you can and hold it for a few seconds. Exhale much as you can as fast as you can as hold it for a few seconds. Do this repeated for a few minutes or until you get light headed or dizzy. If you get dizzy or light headed your doing it right. Try this a few times a day for a few weeks. If you can go longer and longer before you get light headed then you're progressing nicely.

Another method is to start out blowing up larger balloons and work your way down. Try blowing up a 350Q and once you can blow it up easily move down to a 260Q. Who knows you may also be able to work down to a 160Q. Kind of a twelve step program for balloons. — Submitted by Michael Floyd

Balloon Twisting, Sculpture Art Sources

Magical Balloon-dude Dale
Tons of free balloon model instructions and how-to information for twisting and techniques! Includes airplane, baseball hat, cobra, crocodile, duck, dog, and flying mouse.

Balloon HQ
Includes a guide to balloons and ballooning, balloon pictures, free patterns, and columns devoted to the balloon sculpture industry.

Balloon Animal Instructions
Entertaining with balloon sculptures. Features free Instructions for twisting a fox, hippo, Martian, monkey, airplane, and Bart. Plus, enhance performance skills with free tips on patter, routines, and sculpture designs.
See what happens when two people travel "to different places in the world to make balloon hats for people and take photos of them. ... with the goal to show people all over the world laughing and having fun, and to emphasize the fact that all human beings are born with the ability to experience joy.

Blinking Balloons Ice Cream Sundae
A fun balloon sculpture tutorial with full instructions for an ice cream sundae made from silver, pink, white, and red balloons.

Professor Wonder's Balloon Gallery
Balloon wonders, photos, and instructions for creating amazing multi-balloon animal sculptures. Includes a flying fish, whale, starfish, and detailed instruction for basic balloon twists.