Arts & Crafts : Pastel Chalk Art & Sidewalk Chalk Fun
Chalk & Pastel Art: Dust off Your Creative Art Skills!
"Chalks come in all shapes and colors. Some are square, and some are round. Some are very hard, and some are very soft and crumbly."
Joy Sikorski, Squeaky Chalk
Ready to play with pastels? If you're yearning for learning how to create art with pastels or chalk (including sidewalk chalk), you'll enjoy Creativity Portal's chalk art information and projects plus a wonderful collection of resources featuring pastel and chalk art history, how-to's, drawing lessons, free tips, techniques, and tutorials for your own creative pastel and chalk art projects. With all of this useful information, you'll be able to "chalk" this creative art medium up to experience!

Pastel & Chalk Art Information and Lessons
How to Play Creatively with Sidewalk Chalk Art
By Chris Dunmire
Playful doodling on the sidewalk promotes lightheartedness, humor, and whimsical expression. Chalk is cheap and the canvas is free so try it today!
Free Squeaky Chalk Art Lessons
By Joy Sikorski
Want to dip your toes into pastel chalk art? Then try some of these whimsical art lessons from the book, "Squeaky Chalk and other FUN things to DRAW (and do) when there is nothing to do!"
Humor: Sidewalk Chalk Art for Creatively Inhibited Adults
By Chris Dunmire
Sidewalk chalk drawing is mandatory child's play. And if you're an adult who missed out on that fun when you were little, you can catch up on that creative play right now!
How to Keep Chalk Drawings from Smearing
Q & A
When making a chalk drawing on a chalkboard to keep, what can I spray it with to keep the design good so it won't smear?
Pastel Drawing & Chalk Art Websources
The Pastel Journal Q & A
A perfect place for beginning pastel artists. "The Q & A page is provided as a space for users to post questions and answers, tips, and other short items relevant to the art of pastels."
Associated Pastelists On the Web
"APOW invites you to view portraits, landscapes, and still life's created by its juried members." Features information about pastels, application techniques, demos, and critiques.
Pastel Painting Art Lessons: Free Pastel Tutorials
Free pastel painting and art demonstrations from ArtGraphica showing landscapes and portraits. Lessons include Nude woman, Robert DeNiro, dog, tiger, ducks, lion cub, tiger, early morning mountains, lion cub, San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, and wildlife painting tips.
International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS)
"Representing pastel societies uniting in a common cause to demonstrate the validity and quality of pastel fine art around the world." Learn about the medium of dry pastel; view society showcases, competitions, and exhibitions.
Art in Canada Pastel Art Information
"Pastel art information and tips from The Pastel Artists of Ontario Canada (PAO). This art society represents approximately 150 of the finest soft pastel art talents in the world today."
Pastel Artists Canada
"Pastel Artists Canada: to promote public appreciation of art in soft pastel and to improve the skills of artists working in this fine art medium." Features online tutorials "to walk through the creation of a pastel art work, step-by-step, with some of our most talented members." Watercolor to pastel; working on colored paper; and working from a photo.