Authors : Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche
Living Fullywith Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche"Why do we seem to be constantly restless, perpetually seeking, never satisfied? It does not have to be this way."
Living Fully ExcerptsThe following excerpts are from the book LIVING FULLY: Finding Joy in Every Breath ©2012 by Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche. Printed with permission from New World Library, www.newworldlibrary.com. Not Clinging to Any Point of View Free From The Notion of Self Living Fully: Finding Joy in Every Breath Introduction "In Living Fully: Finding Joy in Every Breath Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche celebrates Buddhist philosophy and tradition, showing how these centuries old practices help people find meaning and satisfaction by living each moment fully accepting life as it is rather than continuing to chase things that have failed them in the past." New World Library QuoteworthyThe inspiring themes that Living Fully presents include intentions, honesty, wakefulness, simplicity, karma, and meditation. Rinpoche says:
"You cannot be completely honest with others unless you are willing to take an honest look at yourself."
"Chasing every whim and satisfying every desire makes it impossible to live fully."
"Meditation is not just for relaxation; its primary purpose is to develop the capacity to respond skillfully and gracefully to life's difficulties as well as its joys." Updated 1/20/14 |