Authors : Tobin Blake
Practicing Everyday Meditation with Tobin Blake
About Everyday Meditation
Most meditation teachings primarily provide students with techniques, such as mantra, zazen, and visualization, while offering very little real help in overcoming the obstacles to deep meditative states. Everyday Meditation is different in that while it does teach the ABC's and techniques of meditation, its primary focus is on the following three key points, which are essential to developing a successful, long-term practice: Daily Practice — Tobin explains that we do actually have to meditate, and regularly, in order to benefit from it, which is why he included 100 days worth of original meditations designed to get readers meditating regularly. Uproot the blocks — In order to achieve deep meditation, we must uncover the things within us that interfere with our progress. The exercises Blake offers are set up to help meditators get to the root cause beyond their resistance to meditation, so they can go beyond it. Reprogram the waterfall — A constant waterfall or thoughts runs in the background of our minds forming and endless stream of words and images, which never cease. The meditations Tobin offers are designed to transform this often negative waterfall of thoughts into one based on gentleness, loving kindness, and forgiveness." — New World Library Everyday Meditation Interview & ExcerptsThe following are excerpts from Everyday Meditation © 2012 by Tobin Blake and printed with permission of New World Library, www.newworldlibrary.com, Novato, CA. Everyday Meditation Interview with Tobin Blake Meditation 101
Daily Meditations Meditation Day 1 Updated 1/20/14 |