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Authors : Lyne Marshall

Gleaner or Gladiator: Artist/Author Lyne Marshall

Lyne MarshallLyne Marshall is an Australian artist and author of "Gleaner or Gladiator: The Struggle to Create." This book is an honest and giving account of her own research into the creative process to produce emotive artworks and illustrated with her contemporary landscapes to show the influences of nature and the environment.

Gleaner or Gladiator: the struggle to create by Lyne MarshallLyne has always been closely connected to the land and as a child lived on an island off the Queensland coast. She now lives in relative isolation on a mountain range, with the bush as a backdrop. The view from her verandah spans across the valley to the horizon beyond and after 20 years it is surfacing in her paintings. These are inner landscapes that attempt to explore and capture the beauty and design that is intrinsic in nature but also left in the objects we place there. They depict places of mystery which show nature's details through many perspectives. Find out more about Lyne and her book on

Creativity Inspiring Articles by Lyne Marshall

Creative Success in the Arts, through Serendipity
By Lyne Marshall
Every once in a while a dream will occur which seems to have an impact and not only tell a story, but offer reassurance or the answer to a problem.

Facing Artist's Block
By Lyne Marshall
Although others may call this occurrence by alternative names, all creative people will at some time face the frustration of what I call artist block.

Understanding the Gift of Creativity
By Lyne Marshall
To find that selfless reason for creating requires some soul searching.

Inspiration and Incubation from an artist's perspective.
By Lyne Marshall
Without inspiration, the obvious tools of creative production are of little use. Excerpted from the book Gleaner or Gladiator: the struggle to create.