Emelisa Mudle : Experience Yourself
Through Creative Collage
Experiencing Your Authentic Self through Creative CollageBy Emelisa Mudle Create Your Own Dream CollageCreative dream collage is about exploring your wants, needs, and desires, and expressing them through
pictures and words from magazines. Creativity is a gentle way of exploring you inner world and coming
face-to-face with your So many of us walk around in a bubble living a life that could be so much more than what it is. Are
you waiting for your night in shining armour? Are you waiting for someone to recognise your talents? Did
you possibly have a tough childhood which left you with thoughts that you are going to be rescued by
someone because you're owed this? Maybe someone will save you and maybe not. The question is: what is it
you love and how do you go about List Your PassionsCreate a passion list. Start by writing down anything you think you're good at. For example, you
After you have done this I want you to write down a list of what makes you passionate, what makes
your heart sing. Sometimes you will find that your "good at list" and "heart sings list" can coincide
with each other this is great because it means that you are already doing some of the things you
are Now that you have your list, are you doing what makes your heart sing or are you doing just what
you're good at? Your mind is possibly racing to a 100 different places thinking "I could never do what
makes my heart sing there is no money in it." or "I would love to work with people in a hands-on
caring way but I work as an accountant.", or "How can I make changes The reality is that you have to start somewhere, and as they say, it starts from one little seed. So
focus on something that makes your heart sing and start making some changes Create Your Dream CollageLook at your list and
then look through some magazines and rip out anything that you feel drawn to. When you feel you have
enough pictures and words, start creating your beautiful One of the beautiful keys to manifesting and unlocking the door to your real dream potential is to
not only visualise it but feel it, see it, smell it, sense it, taste it, and hear it. Using all these
senses helps you to manifest When your dream collage is finished, sit back and look at what the story is telling you. Is it
positive, beautiful? Are you surprised? Does it make you smile? What you have just done is sent out a
message saying, "This is my dream this is Now the key is to focus on your picture each day. Keep it where you can see and remember the
feelings you experienced when you created it. Keep saying "Yes!" to what it is you want and let go of
the "how," and be open to the signs that © 2006 Emelisa Mudle Emelisa Mudle is an Australian Artist and Creative Workshop Facilitator. She has worked internationally running workshops in health retreats as well as various other venues. More »
6/12/06 |