Be Creative! Projects : TypARTgraphy
TypARTgraphy: Fontastic Art Compositions (type•art•graphy)By Chris Dunmire
Want to give TypARTgraphy a try? It's an interesting and fun way to create art. And remember, you're not limited to composing only faces that's just one suggestion if you are looking for ideas to get started with. After that, you can let your imagination run wild! Want to see what else I've made? Be sure to see my TypARTgraphy Gallery at the end of this project, or right now if you need some type art graphy inspiration! Project Materials Needed:Tidy Way:
Or Hands-On:
Try It!
Creativity Tips: You may angle or reverse the characters any way you want. You may even enlarge or reduce them. But don't cut them apart preserve them in their original form. Feel free to allow the type to bleed off the edge of the paper if you like that effect. Experiment! Once you find the arrangement you like, glue your composition down on illustration board or firm paper. What You'll Learn:This project will help you to notice the detailed nuances of typefaces, and it makes you realize how type is in itself a visual element of design form. The NEXT Creative Step... If you liked this project and want to learn more about fonts and typography, visit Creativity Portal's Graphic Design Typography section. What else can you do with the letters, numbers, and characters found in type and font sets? Invent your own form of artistic or creative expression and give it a name. • Chris Dunmire's TypARTgraphy GalleryThese are some of my art*full creations that will inspire your own ideas for the TypARTgraphy project.
Font Family (Gradl) Yarn Kitty (Garamond Italic)
Type Tree (Viner Hand ITC) © Chris Dunmire 2004, 2007. All rights reserved. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Updated 12/20/13 |