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Read Deanne Fitzpatrick's rug hooking articles.
Arts & Crafts : The Art and Craft of Rug Hooking Fiber Art

Explore the Art & Craft of Rug Hooking Fiber Art

"Rug hooking uses a hand hook, similar in shape to a crochet hook, to form a looped pile from fabric strips or yarn on an even-weave base fabric." —

Fish Rug Art by Deanne FitzpatrickThe folk artistry in authentic rug hooking goes beyond simple latch hook rug kits you buy off the shelf in your favorite craft store. Yes, you will learn more about this beautiful form of art and craft by reading Creativity Portal's collection of rug hooking articles written by professional rug-hooking artists such as Canada's Deanne Fitzpatrick and by browsing our collection of instructional rug hooking resources where you'll find Web sites that explain hooking rug history and processes; and those that share free tips, patterns, techniques, and tutorials for your creative rug hooking research and projects.

Rug Hooking Art by Deanne Fitzpatrick
More Articles by Deanne Fitzpatrick »

Featured Rug Hooking & Fiber Art Articles

Free Fiber Art Tutorial
How to Dye Wool with Onion Skins
By Linda Ferretti
Learn how to dye your own materials (like wool) for your fiber art projects. This tutorial will show you how to use red onion skins to dye wool pieces intended for fiber art and rug hooking projects.

Romancing the Cod
By Deanne Fitzpatrick
An introduction and history to Deanna's fish rugs, excerpted from her 2006 book East Coast Rug-Hooking Designs: New Patterns from an Old Tradition.

The Rug Hooker's Guide to Creativity: from Every Craft there Grows an Art
By Deanne Fitzpatrick
This three-part article explores Creativity and Inspiration, Digging for Ideas, and Ideas to Nourish the Creative Genius within You.

Instructional How-to Rug Hooking Resources

Deanne Fitzpatrick: Rug Hooking Artist
Learn about the life and art of this amazing rug hooking artist whose work is in the permanent collections of The Canadian Museum of Civilization, The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, The Nova Scotia Art Bank, and The Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador. Deanne's site features a beautiful gallery of finished rugs, patterns, templates, hooking instructions, and an extensive FAQ section.

Rug Hooking 101
Offers articles on Rug Hooking including: history of, different styles, and how to select supplies. Also provides oak rug hooking frames, Fraser wool cutters, patterns, and all items needed to hook a project.

Rug Hooking Online
"Rug hooking uses a hand hook, similar in shape to a crochet hook, to form a looped pile from fabric strips or yarn on an even-weave base fabric." This resourceful site features fully-illustrated articles and patterns from Rug Hooking magazine, "Ask the Expert" section with Q & A about rug hooking, and a beautiful "Celebrations" gallery.

Amherst Antiques, Folk Art, and Rug Hooking
Learn about rug hooking history and read instructional information on how to select wool, prepare wool, overdye wool, and change wool colors.

Updated 12/17/13