2012 Twenty Questions Interviews : Judith Westerfield
20 Questions Interview
with Judith Westerfield
Psychotherapist, Guided Imagery Therapist, Therapeutic Creative Expression Facilitator
1. What's your name?
Judith Westerfield.
2. Where are you from?
Raised in Phoenix, Arizona, Have lived in California since 1970.
3. Who are you today?
A 67-year-old woman who craves sugar and unrefined flour, preferably in combination with chocolate. Still striving to figure out how to be a loving, compassionate human being, most of the time.
4. What do you do? (Elevator speech)
I'm a psychotherapist, hypnosis & guided imagery therapist and facilitate Therapeutic Creative Expression workshops and groups.
5. What's your story (how did you get here)?
In some way I've always taught: work-study teaching job in college, taught English as a 2nd Language in Greece, Public school teacher in California. Being a therapist and workshop facilitator is just another facet of teaching.
6. Why is creativity important to you?
I know we are all creations and creative, each in our own way. As a follower of Baha'i I believe that "All art is a gift of the Holy Spirit."
7. When did you realize you had a creative dream or calling to fulfill?
Always loving art and anything crafty I never considered it something other than a hobby until I was in my 50's. I was continually being asked by colleagues to present Creative Expression Workshops and I finally jumped in and gave the first one called "Joy". The participants responded so positively I was elated and motivated to give more.
8. How did you embrace it?
I became a California CE provider, started seriously marketing to colleagues so they would experience the fun and therapeutic power of visual creative expression (painting, collage, journaling etc. I can't sing and have two left feet, but I can paint and doodle and paste!).
9. How did that feel?
Wonderful, frustrating and tiring: It took a tremendous amount of work to get the word out to other therapists. So many people have had negative experiences with "art" or think they are not creative that it was/is difficult explaining that Therapeutic Creative Expression has nothing to do with "art" and that talent is not necessary.
10. Where has your journey taken you?
I started offering the workshops to the public when my own clients kept asking me if they could attend the workshops. Almost all the participants are now non-therapists and it's been wonderful.
Still hard to get the word out so I developed a blog with free tutorials and pictures of workshops to inspire others. Also, I love to share other people's creative expression.
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