Creativity Coaching : Brenda Johima
Spotlight On: Creativity Coach Brenda Johima
OK. Here is the really boring serious one instead: Get the CREATIVE NUDGE! with Creativity Booster Brenda Johima. Creativity Coach Brenda Johima, guides, nudges, boosts, inspires and motivates individuals, business owners and corporations to be the very best that they can be. Through Creative Nudge Coaching and Consulting Services, Brenda combines her education in Music, Music Therapy, Education, Fine Art and Design, to help individuals find their answers within, and provides business owners with practical and innovative solutions for business, through the medium of the creative and expressive arts and creative thinking. A true believer in the Power of Creativity to transform lives and to change how business is done, Brenda is passionate about the field of Creativity Coaching and creativity and innovation. Visit Creative Nudge Coaching and Consulting Services at www.creativenudge.com. Creativity Coaching Articles by Brenda JohimaBoobArt for Breast Cancer Creativity is BIG Business To Think or Not to Think, That is the Question. What the Heck is a Creative Block? |