Play is the mediator of the invisible and visible." —Dora M. Kalff
Your imagination is an expansive galaxy to explore. Get in your ship any time and take off!
Right now: Can you think a thought that you've never thought before?
There's actually an interesting story behind the phrase Sanity Clause. It originated from the 1935 Marx Brothers film "A Night at the Opera," where Groucho Marx famously quipped, "That's what they call a sanity clause," to which Chico Marx responded, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha can't fool me. There ain't no sanity clause!"
The phrase has since been used to refer to a clause in a contract that would make the contract invalid if one of the parties became insane. However, it's often used in a more lighthearted way to poke fun at the sometimes absurd nature of legal contracts.
By Lilly Fluger |
I love making alphabet books. You can take a small, blank journal or use blank pages to cut and paste into your book later.
In the examples below, I took a 6" x 8" journal and did 2 letters per page and drew on the back as well.
You start with A, and do one a day.
Experiment! Fill your pages with:
One of my favorites is crazy monsters, as wild and colorful as I can think to make them up.
Start anywhere and its crazy how fast fun ideas flow. It is as if the Universe is eager to play through you and with you — flowing you ideas.
Here's a very old one I did many years ago, some examples. I have another with just inspiring words. This got so addictively fun, that when I swim laps, I play the ABC game in my head of fun words that feel great, AND it really does flood me with extra energy.
So just start with A. Don't think about doing the whole alphabet. You can stop anytime, but you'll be surprised that you don't want to. Instead, you want to see what happens, gets created next — by, from, through YOU.
Here's my pictures: I really loved Sandra Boynton, and so I glued in some of her inspiring alphabet critters.
Whenever I return to look at this book, it always cheers me up.