GCI: The Top AI (Adept Intelligence) for Creatives

Long* before human prompts were fed into ChatGPT, Gemini, and other chatbots, Creativity Portal's GCI fed netizens prompts to nourish the collective creative soul. Dispensing coaching techniques, pliable applications, impactful thoughts, and simple solutions curated from global creativity experts, thought leaders, and deck dealers, GCI is designed to activate your genetic disposition towards originality and authenticity in forging your own path to illumination. Takeaway: Question absolutes and be open to experience in fostering your creative leanings. Humor's good, too. Try it now!

*1 human year = 25 technology years. Can't keep up, it's moving too fast!

Oh, the places you'll grow!

By Madam Bedazzle | Launched 3/24/22 | Updated 11/24/24

Curious? Stuck? Un-inspired? Crack your openness to experience and let the light shine in!

The bits-o-wisdom, think-ables, and prompts in The Great Creativity Illuminator are curated from global creativity experts, leaders, and deck dealers and are designed to activate your genetic disposition towards originality and authenticity.

Use the power of the present and sit with the words that magically appear above and see how they might contribute towards your creative process and expressing amazing works of innovative thinking, acting, and being.

While it's true that 32% of statistics on this page are made up, there's still a 98.6% probability that you'll profit from changes made through reframing a situation, playful approaches, small steps, and seeing shadows and light cast upon a challenge, problem, or project.

Like sunlight to a seed, let the message do its work. Take a day or several to let the words sink in and the message to unleash its power. Resist the urge to refresh the page* for more illumination, for a quick dismissal might indicate a matryoshka to un-nest!

If the words don't resonate, read between the lines. Ask yourself, "Is the answer right in front of me?" Or, "What words do I need to read right now that will make a difference?" Then imagine those. Yes, all the answers are right here in this moment and you are welcome to come back to The Great Creativity Illuminator anytime!

*Each page refresh within 62 seconds cuts the efficacy of the next illumination down by 24% and the current one by 83%, which is why there is no button to press to generate a new illumination. To get the most out of the rays of light shining upon when you first landed on this page, you might ask, "How can I make this golden nugget fit and apply to my situation right now?" You will be amazed at how quickly your creative brain will respond to even the most spurious of questions to find a solution.

Madam Bedazzle is a highly-sought deck dealer from Kaffeklubben Island with surreptitious aspirations of becoming a scientist and statistician. Follow Bedazzle's twisty logic and tough love in her array of Tarotble card readings.