365 Pictures

Credits | Posted 3/15/09 | Updated 5/9/22


an unknown beetle
displays intricate design
armor-plated art

—Diane Violet

"Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them." —David Hume (1757)

Can you find some unexpected beauty in your surroundings?

Photo and prompt copyright © Diane Violet.

About the Collaboration Behind 365 Pictures

Welcome! You've discovered the hidden treasure that's inspired teachers, writers, bloggers, and others for the last decade: Creativity Portal's original worldwide collaborative daily prompter!

Launched on March 15, 2009, this inspiring online tool is the result of the combined creative efforts of scores of artists, photographers, writers, and others who answered the invitation to create and combine personal pictures, images, art, and illustrations with thought-provoking words and prompts to inspire others in their writing, art, and creativity projects.

Yes, this daily prompt generator was built long before everyone carried around a smart phone camera and Instagram was a thing, and features stunning photos of nature and animals, snapshots of artwork, funny illustrations, and mixed media imagery with the intention to delight and inspire.

Creative Ideas for Prompts

Visit daily for a new image and prompt to stimulate your imagination! Prompts can be used for:

  • creative writing
  • brainstorming ideas
  • creativity sparks
  • artistic inspiration
  • blogging story starters
  • social media shares
  • classroom activities
  • journal or diary prompts
  • meditations
  • reflections
  • connecting

365 Pictures: Collaborator Credits

Please note these images and prompts are © copyright each credited collaborator who appear below in the credits by month and day. Enjoy!

Creativity Portal is grateful to the following collaborators for boldly participating in this perpetual daily prompt generator inspiring users worldwide for the last 10 years! Their thought-provoking images and words emerge during the dates noted. Thank you also to our programming webgineer Curt Dunmire and to every parent, teacher, and creative facilitator who uses and shares this inspiring feature with others. —Chris Dunmire, 365 Pictures Producer

January Prompters

January 3 Picture/Prompt Example by Cynthia Staples1-Jan Anne Marie Bennett
2-Jan Kristi Tencarre
3-Jan Cynthia Staples, Steve and the Gulls
4-Jan E. Oroki Rice, Asabi in Snowstorm
5-Jan Lauren Jonik
6-Jan Chris Dunmire, Catch a Tiger by a Toe
7-Jan Marie Claire Saint Maux, Knots
8-Jan Judy Wood
9-Jan Susan Thomas
10-Jan Eric Peterson
11-Jan Lilly Fluger
12-Jan Ian McNabb
13-Jan Alex Kaplan Lucy
14-Jan Diane Violet, Beetle'ku
15-Jan Jesse Rhodes
16-Jan Chris Dunmire, Coco Joy
17-Jan Kaitlyn Finney
18-Jan Daisy Durham
19-Jan Cynthia Morris
20-Jan Chris Dunmire, Grow
21-Jan Chris Dunmire, Clown Shoes
22-Jan Judy Wood
23-Jan Chris Dunmire, Eager Beaver
24-Jan Kaitlyn Finney
25-Jan Chris Dunmire, Fabricly Fabric Tree
26-Jan Chris Dunmire, Bisbee Dog Cat Rat
27-Jan Chris Dunmire, Gone Fishin'
28-Jan Chris Dunmire, Dramatic
29-Jan Chris Dunmire
30-Jan Susan Thomas
31-Jan Kaitlyn Finney

February Prompters

February 12 Picture/Prompt Example by Lilly Fluger1-Feb Jennifer Rier, Mysterious Door
2-Feb Anne Marie Bennett
3-Feb Marie Claire Saint Maux, Poppies in the Desert
4-Feb Chris Dunmire, Comfy Coco
5-Feb Kristi Tencarre
6-Feb Kaitlyn Finney
7-Feb Chris Dunmire, Chicago Bean
8-Feb Judy Wood
9-Feb Chris Dunmire, Zen Rakey
10-Feb Susan Thomas
11-Feb Chris Dunmire, Coy
12-Feb Lilly Fluger
13-Feb Kaitlyn Finney
14-Feb Chris Dunmire, Rose is Rose
15-Feb Chris Dunmire, Alpaca Lot of Ideas
16-Feb Chris Dunmire, Chiricahua Settler's House
17-Feb Chris Dunmire, Japanese Beetles
18-Feb Kaitlyn Finney
19-Feb Daisy Durham
20-Feb Chris Dunmire, Nesting Tree
21-Feb Chris Dunmire, Belvidere Tornado Monument
22-Feb Chris Dunmire, Practice
23-Feb Chris Dunmire, Tulip Color
24-Feb Judy Wood
25-Feb Kaitlyn Finney
26-Feb Chris Dunmire, Arizona Artifacts
27-Feb Chris Dunmire, Patrick Starfish
28-Feb Chris Dunmire, Make a Wish
29-Feb Chris Dunmire, Kitty Toes

March Prompters

March 7 Picture/Prompt Example by Stacey Burns1-Mar Violette, Forgiveness
2-Mar Cynthia Staples, Ladybug
3-Mar Jennifer Rier, Zen
4-Mar Lilly Fluger
5-Mar Ozen Ugurlu
6-Mar Diane Racine
7-Mar Stacey Burns Windows
8-Mar Caitlin Vicary
9-Mar Angie Briggs Johnson Focus
10-Mar Paola De Giovanni Spellbound
11-Mar Jo-Ann Golenia, Tulips
12-Mar Kathleen Caron Molatch, Beeing busy is a good thing!
13-Mar Carol Ann Waugh, Pike's Peak
14-Mar Heather Leigh Peacock
15-Mar Joan Johnson
16-Mar Linda Matthews, Dancing Tree
17-Mar Margie Pollock
18-Mar Connie Hester
19-Mar Jay Arpin, The View From Here
20-Mar Ms. Randall Taylor-Craven Frosty January
21-Mar Anne Marie Bennett
22-Mar Janet L. Whitehead, Icicles
23-Mar Clodagh Higgins, Sligo, Ireland, Bronze Statue
24-Mar Jennie Brown Hakim, Shadow
25-Mar Jill Badonsky, Bumper Car Girl
26-Mar Pam Lonsway, Sunset
27-Mar Virginia A. Spiegel, Journey by Water
28-Mar Jean McVay Wrestling
29-Mar Nicole L. Marques, Galactic Butterfly
30-Mar Judy Wood
31-Mar Cheryl Finley, Spring Forth

April Creative Prompters

April 15 Picture/Prompt Example by Jennifer Rier1-Apr Clairan Ferrono, Tornado Time
2-Apr iHanna, Clap your hands for yourself
3-Apr Linda Matthews, Titivations
4-Apr Lilly Fluger
5-Apr Anne Marie Bennett
6-Apr Judy Wood
7-Apr Hank Kellner
8-Apr Stacey Burns, Zinc Canning Lids
9-Apr Jean Foley
10-Apr Cynthia Morris
11-Apr Paola De Giovanni, Long Way Home
12-Apr Kristi Tencarre, Make Babies or Make Art
13-Apr Lilly Fluger
14-Apr Cynthia Staples, Stairwell
15-Apr Jennifer Rier, Spring
16-Apr Kerry Molina Angel
17-Apr Chris Dunmire, Opening
18-Apr Carol McKenna, Beginning a Creation
19-Apr Marie Claire Saint Maux, Egout
20-Apr Judy Wood, Prairie Ghosts
21-Apr Daisy Durham
22-Apr Anne Marie Bennett
23-Apr Patricia J. Mosca
24-Apr Pam King, Normandy, France
25-Apr Jennie Brown Hakim, Feet
26-Apr Jill Badonsky, Off the Ground
27-Apr Pam Lonsway, Rose
28-Apr Lynda Lehmann
29-Apr Angela K. Mack
30-Apr Cheryl Finley, Inner-connections

May Creative Prompters

May 31 Picture/Prompt Example by Cheryl Finley1-May Lilly Fluger
2-May Clairan Ferrono, Nearly Spring
3-May iHanna, Love is everywhere
4-May Linda Matthews, Fiber-doodle
5-May Hank Kellner
6-May Anne Marie Bennett
7-May Judy Wood
8-May Chris Dunmire, Burst
9-May Stacey Burns Tilting Windmills
10-May Violette
11-May Cynthia Morris
12-May Paola De Giovanni Garden Gate
13-May Kristi Tencarre, Beauty from Pain
14-May Kerry Molina Vintage Clothes
15-May Cynthia Staples, Pink Buds
16-May Carol McKenna, Second Spirit Doll
17-May Marie Claire Saint Maux, Rudy's Tree
18-May Angela K. Mack
19-May Lilly Fluger
20-May Daisy Durham
21-May Judy Wood, Clyde Ghost
22-May Chris Dunmire, Miraculous Intention
23-May Anne Marie Bennett
24-May Patricia J. Mosca
25-May Pam King, On a Normandy Beach
26-May Jennie Brown Hakim, Wheels
27-May Jill Badonsky, Hanging Laundry
28-May Pam Lonsway, Pause
29-May Lynda Lehmann
30-May Jennifer Rier, Barn
31-May Cheryl Finley, Bloom Anyway!

June Prompters

June 12 Picture/Prompt Example by Cynthia Morris1-Jun Paola De Giovanni First time in New York
2-Jun Lilly Fluger
3-Jun Clairan Ferrono, Windows: Midnight
4-Jun iHanna, My favorite pen makes rainbow days
5-Jun Kerry Molina Milk Glass
6-Jun Carol McKenna, Sharing My Art
7-Jun Anne Marie Bennett
8-Jun Judy Wood
9-Jun Marie Claire Saint Maux, Imagine
10-Jun Daisy Durham
11-Jun Angela K. Mack
12-Jun Cynthia Morris
13-Jun Violette
14-Jun Kristi Tencarre, A Painting of Sunshine
15-Jun Chris Dunmire, Happiness
16-Jun Cynthia Staples, Baby Squirrel
17-Jun Stuart Whitmore
18-Jun Bonnie Neubauer, Wrestling
19-Jun Cee Lewars, No Boundaries
20-Jun Kellie Hancock, Phoenix
21-Jun Judy Wood, Cowboy Dreams
22-Jun Lilly Fluger
23-Jun Laura Hegfield
24-Jun Anne Marie Bennett
25-Jun Patricia J. Mosca
26-Jun Pam King, Fair in Normandy
27-Jun Cheryl Finley, Slices of Life
28-Jun Jill Badonsky, Kid in Coffee
29-Jun Aaron Johannes
30-Jun wallyir

July Prompters

July 12 Picture/Prompt Example by Angela Mack1-Jul Kerry Molina Bride Doll
2-Jul Paola De Giovanni Crocuses
3-Jul Lilly Fluger
4-Jul Clairan Ferrono, Through a Daughter's Eyes
5-Jul iHanna, Put on your creative hat
6-Jul Marie Claire Saint Maux, Coke
7-Jul Violette
8-Jul Anne Marie Bennett
9-Jul Judy Wood
10-Jul Carol McKenna, Angel of Recycle
11-Jul Daisy Durham
12-Jul Angela K. Mack
13-Jul Cynthia Morris
14-Jul Chris Dunmire, Support
15-Jul Stuart Whitmore
16-Jul Cheryl Finley, New Vistas
17-Jul Cynthia Staples, Blue Butterfly
18-Jul Cee Lewars, Rise Above
19-Jul Kellie Hancock, This Way
20-Jul Laura Hegfield
21-Jul Jenny Gallo, Hemorrhaging Woman
22-Jul Sara Ashton
23-Jul Darlene Rebechi V. R. (Virtual Reality)
24-Jul Judy Wood, Crow Church
25-Jul Anne Marie Bennett
26-Jul Cynthia M. Pratt Ohio River Traffic
27-Jul Ann Larsen
28-Jul Chris Dunmire, Roots
29-Jul Lilly Fluger
30-Jul Carol Henley
31-Jul Nicole L. Marques, The Keeper of Peace!

August Prompters

August 13 Picture/Prompt Example by Kellie Hancock1-Aug Carol McKenna, Goddess of Winter
2-Aug Kerry Molina Mom's Trees
3-Aug Paola De Giovanni Kitchen Poetry
4-Aug Lilly Fluger
5-Aug Clairan Ferrono, Fool's Journey
6-Aug iHanna, Dream up your house and creative studio
7-Aug Judy Wood, Homer War Pony
8-Aug Marie Claire Saint Maux, Bead
9-Aug Anne Marie Bennett
10-Aug Chris Dunmire, Nourish
11-Aug Stuart Whitmore
12-Aug Daisy Durham
13-Aug Kellie Hancock, Wet Feet
14-Aug Cynthia Morris
15-Aug Laura Hegfield
16-Aug Monica Linville, Night Life — the Crane
17-Aug Daisy Durham
18-Aug Nicole L. Marques, The Red Star
19-Aug Lilly Fluger
20-Aug Shelley Klammer, Exploring Fear
21-Aug Lauren Jonik
22-Aug Tatiana Kuzyk, Artist's Prayer
23-Aug Judy Wood, Legend Galaxy
24-Aug Jean Foley, Anything is Possible
25-Aug Carol Hollands, Sunset
26-Aug Anne Marie Bennett
27-Aug Marie Claire Saint Maux, Quilt
28-Aug Laura Hegfield
29-Aug Cheryl Finley, Ode to the Mustard Seed
30-Aug Sarah J. Mueller, Katie's Leaves
31-Aug Chris Dunmire, Roll Play

September 26 Picture/Prompt Example by Carol HollandsSeptember Prompters

1-Sep Laura Hegfield
2-Sep Marie Claire Saint Maux, Shoes
3-Sep Kerry Molina Santa Fe Blankets
4-Sep Paola De Giovanni, Blurred Blue
5-Sep Lilly Fluger
6-Sep Chris Dunmire, Mirror Image
7-Sep Lori Fair, Pondering Twilight
8-Sep Carol Henley
9-Sep Patricia J. Mosca, Ask Yourself
10-Sep Anne Marie Bennett
11-Sep Leanne Roberts
12-Sep Judy Wood, Save Me
13-Sep Stuart Whitmore
14-Sep Daisy Durham
15-Sep Cynthia Morris
16-Sep Michelle Normand, Friend
17-Sep Laura Hegfield
18-Sep Curt Dunmire, Chipper Monk
19-Sep Chris Dunmire, Route 66
20-Sep Lilly Fluger
21-Sep Pam Lonsway, Florida Orange Grove
22-Sep Pam Wood, One lucky shot!
23-Sep M. Rogers, Living Life on the L(edge)
24-Sep Cynthia Staples, Trees Reflected in Water
25-Sep Pam Lonsway, Fruit Dragon
26-Sep Carol Hollands, Sunset
27-Sep Anne Marie Bennett
28-Sep Chris Dunmire, Moon Shine
29-Sep Cheryl Finley, Rooted
30-Sep Judy Wood, Gothic

October 10 Picture/Prompt Example by Pam LonswayOctober Prompters

1-Oct Chris Dunmire, Exercuses
2-Oct Laura Hegfield
3-Oct Marie Claire Saint Maux, Tafraout
4-Oct Kerry Molina Word by Word
5-Oct Carol Henley
6-Oct Lilly Fluger
7-Oct Patricia J. Mosca, Cracking Open
8-Oct Michelle Normand, Dandelion
9-Oct Judy Wood
10-Oct Pam Lonsway
11-Oct M. Rogers, Green Man
12-Oct Cynthia Staples, Garlic and Tomatoes
13-Oct Laura Hegfield
14-Oct Paola De Giovanni, Walking Home I
15-Oct Daisy Durham
16-Oct Cynthia Morris
17-Oct Angela K. Mack
18-Oct Pam Lonsway, Carving Out Creativity
19-Oct Mary Gatling, Waiting
20-Oct Kristi Tencarre
21-Oct Chris Dunmire, Harvesting Dots of Orange Pumpkins
22-Oct Maria Lister
23-Oct Chris Dunmire, Earthscape
24-Oct Daisy Durham, A Fun Day
25-Oct Lilly Fluger
26-Oct Pam Lonsway, Smiling Pumpkin
27-Oct Judy Wood
28-Oct Anne Marie Bennett
29-Oct Chris Dunmire, Punkin
30-Oct Pam Lonsway, Serendipitous Illuminations of Hallow's Eve
31-Oct Chris Dunmire, Wagon of Choosing

November 9 Picture/Prompt Example by Marie Claire Saint Maux

November Prompters

1-Nov Chris Dunmire, Creative Outlets
2-Nov Daisy Durham
3-Nov Mary Gatling, Us
4-Nov Marie Claire Saint Maux, Finding Your Path
5-Nov Kristi Tencarre
6-Nov Roberta L. Mockus
7-Nov Lilly Fluger
8-Nov Patricia J. Mosca, Participate
9-Nov Nicole L. Marques, The Mushroom and the Jackrabbit
10-Nov Cynthia Staples, Cactus
11-Nov Judy Wood
12-Nov Marie Claire Saint Maux, Visionmc
13-Nov Clairan Ferrono, Fashionista
14-Nov Chris Dunmire, Photo Studio at Grand Canyon
15-Nov Laura Hegfield
16-Nov Daisy Durham
17-Nov Cynthia Morris
18-Nov Jean McVay, Pele
19-Nov M. Rogers, Doppelganger
20-Nov Pam Lonsway, Christmas Tree
21-Nov Kristi Tencarre, No Exit
22-Nov Chris Dunmire, Stepping Stones
23-Nov Pam Lonsway, Thanksgiving Centerpiece
24-Nov Chris Dunmire, Vibrance
25-Nov Chris Dunmire, Eggs
26-Nov Chris Dunmire, Turkey Crossing
27-Nov Pam Lonsway, Christmas Lights
28-Nov Clairan Ferrono, Blue Desert
29-Nov Anne Marie Bennett
30-Nov Judy Wood

December 16 Picture/Prompt Example by Chris DunmireDecember Prompters

1-Dec Pam Lonsway, Gingerbread House
2-Dec Chris Dunmire, Christmas Eve
3-Dec Mary Gatling, The Restaurant
4-Dec Kristi Tencarre
5-Dec Marie Claire Saint Maux, Resting
6-Dec Pam Lonsway, Christmas Lamp Post
7-Dec Pam Lonsway, Christmas Decorations
8-Dec Pam Lonsway, Christmas Tree
9-Dec Patricia J. Mosca, Be Aware
10-Dec Lilly Fluger
11-Dec Pam Lonsway, Christmas Cookies
12-Dec Pam Lonsway, St. Nicholas
13-Dec Judy Wood
14-Dec Laura Hegfield
15-Dec Marie Claire Saint Maux, Golden Thumb
16-Dec Chris Dunmire, Pointsettia
17-Dec Daisy Durham
18-Dec Cynthia Morris
19-Dec Kristi Tencarre
20-Dec Pam Lonsway, Christmas Tree Farm
21-Dec Kristi Tencarre
22-Dec Clairan Ferrono, Bouquet
23-Dec Cee Lewars, Snow Angel
24-Dec Judy Wood
25-Dec Pam Lonsway, Galena House
26-Dec Barbara Lazarony
27-Dec Diane Violet Neon Heart
28-Dec Chris Dunmire, Origami Cranes
29-Dec Cynthia Staples, The Purple Stone
30-Dec Anne Marie Bennett
31-Dec Kristi Tencarre