Authors : Heather Blakey & Soul Food Cafe
Spotlight On: Soul Food Cafe
Make Writing Your Daily Practice for Writers, Bloggers, Journalers, & Artists of all Kinds
Soul Food Cafe ( is a portal for artists and writers alike, and is a safe haven where creativity flourishes.The Soul Food Cafe features a rich assortment of visual activities and writing prompts, artistic exploration, and photographic perspectives; and aims to promote creative pursuits as a daily practice. The site is quite literally overflowing with healthy and tasty morsels for every artist. It's full of tips, techniques, references and encouragement.
Benefit from the free writing activities that are available on Soul Food. Set up your writing notebook or visual journals and then randomly select an exercise or project from within the site. Make it your practice to write 500-1000 words a day.
Soul Food Cafe Features
Creativity Portal Interview with Heather Blakey | Meet Heather Blakey
Teacher of writing, imagineer, and Publisher of the Soul Food Cafe. "I write so that messages from my heart will soar upwards, out along the wires of cyber space, to my readership. Just as the birds begin each day with a song I am called to write on a daily basis."
Inspiring Creativity Success Story
Heather Blakey shares her success story behind the Soul Food Cafe a bountiful banquet and creative sanctuary for artists, writers, and bloggers.
Zen and the Art of Team Blogging
Some have been given their 'creativity wings to soar' while others have found a 'morning-page venue' to prompt deep expressions from the soul. Learn how the transforming effects of group blogging at Soul Food Cafe has gifted members, their art, writing, and creativity.
Alluvial Mining
Read About Alluvial Mining and watch as we discover what lies deep within this old mine. Could this be the beginning of another golden era of Australian mining?
Berried Treasure
From Socrates through to Jung the human mind has been recognized as the richest unexplored area of the world. ... My work in the field of writing leads me to propose that when we establish a relationship with the Muse, which is another term for our subconscious, we are so stunned by the 'knowledge' that lies within that we learn to respect ourselves and come to believe that we have something important to say.
Box of Wonderment
A magical box that is filled with all the main writing prompts on the Soul Food Cafe.
The Chocolate Box
If you have an artist, a dreamer, a dancer, a mythologist, an imagineer, a writer amidst your clan, make sure to nourish their creative spirit by sending them a box of Chocolates from the Soul Food Cafe. These hand filled chocolates are totally addictive and may change lives.
The Daily Grind
Keeping the fun in fun-da-mentals with a list of playful diversions on the Web (aka procrastination heaven).
The Dig Tree
The Dig Tree is etched into the Australian psyche as one of the greatest ironic tragedies. Dig and unearth some of the secrets of creativity.
Magic Writing Tram
An interactive Flash-based activity and idea generator designed for primary school writing. Includes fun writing exercises to engage the active imagination of children and adults!
Wacky Writing
A collection of ever-changing exercises with visual prompts that make you reach deep within.
Writing for Well Being
"It is a well known fact that writing has a positive effect on an individuals sense of well being." Essays about the therapeutic value of writing by Heather Blakey.
Sample Writing Exercises
Fractured Fairy Stories
"Fracturing fairy tales is a contemporary variant of what has been always done in fairy tales in that story is changed in some way except that this term is usually associated with questions of gender representation." Read examples of fractured fairy tales such as Shrek, Cinderella's Life After the Wedding, Little Red, and Two Little Wolves and then write your own!
Indian War Bonnet
"The Plains Indian War Bonnet was a receptacle of oral history for warriors and their tribe. Around the fire stories could be told of great acts of bravery. Feathers told individual stories of courage and daring." Use the Plains Indian War bonnet to improve your writing or visual journaling for life story telling, study of text, catharsis, and gratitude.
Rear Vision Mirror Memories
"No doubt some of us would like to adjust the rear vision mirror of our lives so that when we look back we cannot see the events that hurtled towards us and marred our lives. Looking in the rear vision mirror is a little technique that helps us to alter our way of seeing things. It also provides fresh material for personal writing."
Updated 1/6/14