Cynthia Staples : Find a Patch of Sunlight
Words & Images Find a Patch of SunlightBy Cynthia Staples « Embark on a Cloud Chasing Expedition “Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy.” C.S. Lewis The sun makes me happy. How it warms. How it illuminates. How it changes over time and throughout the seasons. Its light can be harsh or buttery soft, and can rain down like glass shards or gently blanket a field. The sun and its light are never static. As a writer, the sun has always been my muse. Sometimes without conscious thought, it has found its way into my poetry and stories. It has seduced a woman on a train, and danced a jig on open water. With its fingers of light, it has traced the fine lines of silver in a woman's red hair, and the deep grooves worn into an elderly man's skin. Plants have grown fiery as rays of light pierced thin leaves and petals. A winter day turned magic as snow suddenly sparkled in its embrace. With a camera in my hand, sunlight has become even more of a creative ally. When I am in sunlight, I slow down. Anxieties fade away and are replaced by curiosity and calm. With sunlight as my guide, I am more open to creative epiphanies that may be right in front of my face. There is always a revelation. Try it. Stand still and look for a patch of sunlight. Outdoors or indoors. Any season will do. Just stop and look around. What do you see? If you see nothing at first, don't be surprised. Try again. It is well worth the effort. You might be surprised at what wonders of the universe are revealed. Such is the sun's power to illuminate and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. • Next: Find Inspiration in the Shadows » © 2008 Cynthia Staples. All rights reserved. ![]() Updated 4/17/14 |