Christmas Play

Quick Wit Saves a Cookie

Soon, the fox said, "You're too heavy for my back, jump onto my nose."

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Christmas ADVENTure CalendarEver wonder why fun-shaped foods are more exciting to eat than plain-shaped foods?

Think cheesy, Goldfish crackers vs. square ones. Or animal crackers vs. their round, vanilla counterparts, right?

Why isn't broccoli shape fun?

Here's why fun-shaped foods tend to be more exciting to eat than plain-shaped foods:

These are reasons why we love gingerbread man cookies so. The fox certainly did!

Today's Play

Gingerbread Man Word Search Puzzle

Search, Search, as Fast as You Can…

By Chris Dunmire

Today's your day to save the Gingerbread Man!

How quickly can you find all the words in the word search puzzle?

I challenge you to run with the story theme … You have 10 minutes* to find all the words before the sweet cookie dares cross the river on the fox's back.

Ready to beat the clock? Set a timer and GO!

Gingerbread Man

Print the Gingerbread Man Word Search Puzzle

*Add more time as appropriate to puzzle-solving expertise level and ability.

Gingerbread Man Story: Alternate Endings

Cookie MakingOnce upon a time, in a quaint little gingerbread village, lived a boastful gingerbread man named Pip. He was known for his playful pranks and quick quips, and one fine day, he found himself in a spot of trouble: being chased by a hungry fox.

Fleeing for his life, Pip stumbled across a river with a cunning crocodile lying in wait. Gasping for breath, he hatched an idea, "I’ll risk it all in the name of irony!" With a wink to the puzzled crocodile, Pip boldly declared, "I’ll trust you not to eat me. I believe we're cut from the same dough — we're both sweet on the inside and tough as cookies."

The charmed crocodile bellowed, "Your wit is endearing, gingerbread man. My palate prefers dull animals. Your intellect is safe with me." Hearing the kind gesture, the fox lost interest and retreated into the forest, leaving Pip to his newfound friendship with the croc.

And so, the tale of the gingerbread man took an unexpected twist: Pip learned that not all sharp teeth crave a sweet treat, and a clever turn of phrase might just save the day — if not one's life trajectory.

More Gingerbread Man Gigs:

The Halls Deck History + Foreshadow Cookie Card

Madam Bedazzle's tarotble card reading debut gets a lil' help from a sweet creature.

Graham Wallas' '4 Steps of Creativity'

Innovative cookies help with the low-carb, keto craze.