Angela Blaha

Angela Blaha

Visionary Artist, Soulcrafting Mentor, and HeartHealing™ Practitioner

Angela BlahaAngela is a transformative artist and healer who bridges the realms of creativity, psychology, and intuition to inspire profound personal growth. As a graduate of the Milan Art Institute and an accomplished encaustic artist, Angela's work bridges the realms of creativity and healing, guiding others to embody their higher selves and create lives of clarity, joy, and alignment. Whether through her retreats, the Numinous Guild collective, or her art, Angela is dedicated to crafting experiences that awaken the soul and ignite the power of creation. Learn more at and Angela on Facebook and Instagram.

The Art of Channeling: Creativity as a Portal to Higher Consciousness

There's a moment in the creative process when the world fades away.

Finding Your Voice and Revealing the Unseen

What unseen truth is waiting to rise through your art?

When Art Speaks

Ask your art what it needs, what it wants people to know.