ADVENTure Christmas Count-Up
A Creativity Coaching Experience
44 Pages + Bonus Material
ISBN-10: 0-9843058-8-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-9843058-8-9
Instant Download Now
$12.25 $3.99 USD
By Chris Dunmire | Posted 12/29/21 | Updated 12/15/22
What if you knew your next creative project will have at least three mistakes in it when you're done no matter what? Will you create it anyway?
These are questions I asked myself as I won the wish bone break at Thanksgiving. I totally missed wishing a wish because I default to questions to feed my curiosity. I also missed NaNoWriMo, but ignore it every year anyway. That is, until this year when I reasoned: "I don't have a novel in me, but I do have a novel way of tapping into my imagination that can help inspire others!"
So that's how this "experience" materialized.
I call it an experience rather than a book because it's not mere words on a page. It's two decades of creative incubation, works-in-progress, and COVID pressure which unleashed itself in a watershed moment. I consider it the pinnacle of my career. And if you think pinnacle is a game played with 48 cards, you're in good company.
Yes, this illustrated experience is intended as a daily ADVENTure, packed with humor, wit, coaching, lessons, ponderables, and projects to steep in like finely-brewed creativi-tea. Actually, it can be steeped in during any month with 25 days if you ignore all the Christmasy-stuff.
If you choose to engage in this experience, you'll become my creative collaborator. I can't exactly tell you how, but at some point it will happen and you'll just know.
If you're not transformed creatively in at least some small way after immersing in this experience, then let's talk.
I know this creative project has at least three mistakes in it, but I made it anyway. And I learned that revisions are like the song that never ends. So, here's to letting go. Plus, there's bonus material*, and who can resist that?
Keep creating!
Chris Dunmire is the driving force behind the award-winning Creativity Portal Web site, online since 2000 with the perpetual vision to inspire creativity, expression, collaboration, and connection. Chris has trained as a creativity coach with both Eric Maisel, PhD, and Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching™ founder Jill Badonsky, MEd, to help support other artists and writers on their creative journeys. Contact Chris if you'd like camaraderie for showing up, practice, persistence, and productivity. Or, just to say "hi" and how you enjoyed the experience.
*Text not included
Don't let the ghost of Christmas past deter you; the experience works in any month with 25 days!
"Absolute unexpected twists and turns."
—FUTURE PLANS, frequently never turning out the way first imagined
"Best seller!"
"Gotta hand it to them — fits like a glove."
"Overuse of basic dashes."
–N DASH and —M DASH, the typesetter's preferred punctuation
for setting off extra information
"Great photos and illustrations!"
—Adobe Stock
"The funniest thing since the last time I laughed!"
—Laffy Taffy®, wrapped up in jokes since the 1970s
*Bonus material includes a printable project and puzzle, Creativi-Tea fun, a very informative 2:16 minute video, and more!
December 15, 2022
For more information, contact
Chris Dunmire
Creativity Portal
(December 15, 2022) — Creativity Portal founder Chris Dunmire thinks everyone can use an adventure right now.
She's giving away free copies of her ADVENTure Christmas Count-Up. This 44-page "adventure" is a purposeful prance through 30 days of fictional fun, practical practicing, and playful perspectives with bonus material designed to inspire and delight.
"I know Christmas is over," Dunmire laughs. "But this experience works during any month with 25 days. It's designed to demonstrate that creative projects and collaborations can bring along unexpected twists and turns anywhere along the way all year long."
"Responsive design isn't just for digital devices." Dunmire adds. "We have so many opportunities to use our creative skills and practice our ability to flex, pivot, and increase our human intelligence as we manage planned and unplanned challenges across all industries."
Dunmire is offering free downloads of ADVENTure through December 25, 2022, to the first three people who send her three synonyms for the word "opportunity" with the email subject: ADVENTure Giveaway.
Dunmire is a designer, writer, and humorist who founded the award-winning Creativity Portal Web site in 2000 with hopes to unite humanity through creative engagement, humor, and play. Going into its 23rd year online, it may have made a tiny dent in this initiative, but as pebbles tossed into a pond, may ripple in time.
ADVENTure Christmas Count-Up
Chris Dunmire
Printable PDF Experience
Available December 29, 2021