
The Fiction Writer's Journey with Emily Hanlon

Emily HanlonEmily Hanlon is a writing coach, creativity coach and novelist. As a writing coach, Emily demystifies the writing process with her two pronged approach of teaching technique and unleashing creativity. In addition to private coaching, she offers workshops and teleseminars. Her website is TheFictionWritersJourney.com.

She has had seven works of fiction, including the bestselling novel, Petersburg, and a book on writing, The Art of Fiction Writing or How to Fall Down the Rabbit Hole Without Really Trying. She has also been published in Writer's Digest Magazine.

Her work as a creativity coach is based on her belief that the multi-faceted journey of creativity is not limited to the arts, but nurtures life at its most profound depths., Emily offers two Mentoring Programs: Creativity as A Wellspring of Life, and Writing Your Story, Creating a Tapestry of Your Life: Memoir Writing as a Healing Journey.

Discipline and Failure and Establishing a Writing Schedule

Successful creators do not see failure as failure. Five steps to establishing a writing schedule.

Writing the Happy Ending: Love Conquers All

No writer I know escapes without struggling with characters, story and most of all, self.

Nothing Kills Creativity Faster than Criticism

Enter the critic: looking at ways the Inner Critic blocks and confounds your writing.

I Am Not I

Exploring the inner selves; the partners in the dance of creativity.

Journey Into the Imagination

Traveling to the Land of Betwixt and Between.

Keeping Faith with the Creative Process

We need to give our own creative ideas a warm, safe place in which to germinate.

Why Outlining Your Story Is Counter-Productive!

Outlining is left-brain activity. Besides, how can you outline the unknown?

Releasing the Creative Energy in Fiction Writing

How do we unleash the creative energy through the channels of character and story?

Need Writing Inspiration? Try Risk, Passion, and Creativity!

You want to write. You really do. But the passion you feel never gets translated into actual writing.

The Creative Process, How and Why it Works

Writing, whether it be fiction, poetry or nonfiction, finds its origins in the dark, fertile chaos of the unconscious.

Writing and the Cosmic Shopping Mall!

A writing exercise and prompts that takes you through the process of using the power of the image to unleash creativity.