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Adventure Writing Prompts : Travel to Canada

Adventure Writing Prompts

Travel to Canada

8 Photos & Writing Prompts

By Kristi Tencarre

This adventure series is into the diverse land mass called Canada focuses on the province of Alberta. This is a wild land of open skies, cultivated farmland in some places, rugged cattle country in others. The Rocky Mountains stand majestically in the west, giving way to round foothills, which give way to the deep badlands, which then flatten out to the grassland of the far east.

Journey with me into the past, into the faerie realm, into the magical moments that make life special. Come with me to Alberta!

Double Rainbow

Good Luck Rainbow

1 A double rainbow is said to be a symbol of good luck. What is the good luck falling on to the people, animals or farmland, under the rainbow? What is the good luck that you want to fall into your life? What stories and legends do you know that are associated with rainbows? Are there really leprechauns at the end of these rainbows?


Historic Land & Wide Open Spaces

2 Dinosaurs stomped about this area centuries ago. First Nations roamed this land before white men and women moved from the Old World to settle here, their dreams to be landowners fulfilled in the West.

What is the history of the land on which you live? What is the history of your family?

What is it about wide open spaces that appeals to so many? If big skies and flowering fields intrigue you, consider vacationing in the Canadian Prairies this year. Look into a writing retreat in a place where there are open skies. Plan how you can bring more nature into your scenery in order to create a breathing space of peace in your daily life.



3 Imagine yourself an explorer from an age long past come magically into the present day. How have the last 300 years left an impact on the land that you once saw as pure, wild, and full of potential? How would you react?



4Faeries live in this field of alfalfa flowers. Tell us about them.


Remembrance Day

5 I stuck this tree with a poppy on Remembrance Day. November 11th is Canada's day to honour their fallen soldiers and to remember the sacrifice of the living. The poppy has been an official symbol of that remembrance since 1921.

I had chosen not to attend the official ceremonies, but to do something quiet to remember. At a few minutes to eleven, I found myself near this lonely dirt road. My friend and I turned down it and parked. It was a magical few moments.

Traditionally, the moment of silence is begun and ended by a 21-gun salute and then a fly-by of military planes. As we bowed our heads to begin our two minutes of silence, a chipmunk began to chatter loudly. After we had lifted our heads and before we uttered a single word, a Magpie flew by at tree top level, followed by another one less than one minute later. Nature was honouring our veterans.

What sort of magical encounters have you had in nature? Do they point you to a Creator or the existence of something more-than-us? How can you capture one of your magical moments to preserve it for your family or artistic supporters?



6 Each culture is influenced by others. Write a poem with these key words: peace, tranquility, friendship, life.



7 A homestead left standing, empty and vacant to the elements. Are the ghosts of its residents present in some way? What kind of life did they lead? Could they give us any advice for our modern ways? •

Next: Travel to Japan Writing Prompts »

© 2010 Kristi Tencarre. All rights reserved.

Updated 1/17/14