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Author Series Spotlight

Kristi Tencarre Prompts Creativity in Writing and Artistic Expression

Kristi TencarreKristi Tencarre (B.A., B.Ed.) has published her personal essays, poems, and articles internationally.

Having visited more than 51 nations on 5 continents before age 30, travel influences her art. She is a creative soul and now boasts her own eclectic art room in a little 1945 farmhouse surrounded by wheat fields and horses (along with a scattering of cows and sheep).

Enjoy Kristi's personal reflections on writing and creativity through the following articles, interviews, and world travel photo prompts.


Creative Careers Interview with Kristi Tencarre

Learn about the work of this creative author, artist, and photographer, and what she hopes it will inspire in others.

Creative Interview with Author and Artist Roberta Allen

Roberta Allen discusses her memoir Dirty Girl and shares tips for memoir writing, creative inspiration, and two photo writing exercises/prompts.

Writing and Prompts

World Travel Adventure Series Photo Writing Prompts

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is a series of photos that will prompt you to be an adventurer through this world of ours.

Under the Same Moon

Printable story workbook with writing prompts for children with military deployed parents.

It's All Write: On Finding and Expressing Your Words

Be bold. Be passionate. Allow yourself the freedom to find your words and to explore your thoughts through words.

Scrapbooking: What's the Attraction?

I was shocked that the art store Michael's had four aisles devoted solely to scrapbooking supplies.

Collage and Visual Journaling

Ideas and tips for integrating artistic collage expressions into your writing, also known as visual journaling.

Creativity and Expression

Mad Genius

How many of us could have been deemed "mad" at some point in our lives when we were caught up in and enthused by some form of pure joy and excitement, be it a new love, job, or hobby.

Your True Self — Who are you... really?

How do you answer the question: who are you? Do you give the answer that seems most obvious: "I'm a teacher, a parent, an engineer."

The Beauty Emerges

Our whole life is preparation for the work(s) for which we were meant to create. There are many forms of creativity and many diverse paths to creation.

Celebrate the Person You Truly Are!

The fresh start for which so many of us have been waiting is here: New Year's Resolutions.

Beauties Yet Unborn

Bring forth your beauties. Even if there are already essays or books on your chosen topic, they cannot say what is in your heart the way only you can.

Mission: Creativity!

Your creativity is under attack and it is up to you to defend it. It is your right to be creative. It is worth fighting for.