
Brian R. Martens: Mental Fitness for the Future

Awareness, Transformation, Intuition

Brian R. MartensBrian has always been a poet. His book of Haiku and other favorite poem is titled Three Raven Gate (2019). Brian's poetry is concerned with the Human Condition. He seeks to inspire and motivate people, with podcasts (The Spoken Symbol), creativity workshops, Shamanic drum journeys, and poetry to recognize their own deep creative spirit and to express that to the world. Learn more at


Awareness is paying attention to what is around you, what is happening to you, and what is happening inside your head.


What does transformation look like? Transformation is the result of realizing and knowing what has been happening in your life and wanting to change the things you can change.

Deep Intuition

What is intuition? What does it feel like?

20 Questions Interview with Brian R. Martens

Posted 11/25/20

Brian R. Martens1. What's your name?

Brian R. Martens.

2. Where are you from?

Martensdale, Iowa.

3. Who are you today?

I am a writer, poet, creativity facilitator, shamanic drum journey facilitator, grandfather, gardener, life-long learner, and curiosity magnet.

4. What do you do? (Elevator speech)

I help mid-career women explore their creativity to uncover emotions and joy.

5. What's your story (how did you get here)?

I was looking for creativity jobs and Chris Dunmire invited me to send some articles and thoughts on creativity so here I am. I have written articles on and I have a podcast (The Spoken Symbol) and have been busy writing poetry and being creative.

6. Why is creativity important to you?

I fell into being a potter and realized this was the first creative career I had worked in. I thought art and drawing were recess in high school. I didn't put any value in it, especially being raised in a small town in Iowa. With the pottery, and now being a poet, I realize how it feeds my soul and allows me to write about my inner feelings and emotions. I think everyone is a creative being, yet there are times in our lives that we have to make decisions. Do we take the road that everyone tells us to take, or do we make our own path by the steps we take?

7. When/how did you realize you had a creative dream or calling to fulfill?

I took a pottery class in my senior year of college and found out I was good at it and I loved it. I continued taking classes and drove across the country to take classes from a Master Potter in CA. I opened a shop and was a full-time potter for about five years. It opened the art world up to me.

8. How did you embrace it?

I decided to become a full-time potter and built a kiln and pottery studio. I took more summer classes from a Master potter in CA. I found doing creative work was a right fit for me for a while. It took determination, grit, patience, and trust to continue to grow and learn the craft.

9. How did that feel?

It felt great to bring my inner vision into reality, into a physical form. I now had a direction in my life and a goal.

10. Where has your journey taken you?

After taking three summer sessions in CA with the Master potter, I was able to move to CA and this was a life-changing decision. Moving away from the known to the unknown. I embraced the change and never looked back.

11. What challenges have you faced?

Challenges of a marriage and a divorce. Raising two beautiful children into adulthood. Challenges with building a house and navigating a full-time job with its own challenges and frustrations.

12. What worked for you?

What worked was always the creative projects I was doing. It also included other creative projects such as coaching youth sports, making wine, creating a garden, and others.

13. What didn't work for you?

What didn't work was bosses that didn't understand my needs and wishes. People that were not helpful or supportive. And my own frustrations from not seeing my path clearly.

14. What three tips can you share with those starting on a similar path?

  1. As Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your Bliss." This is not a trite quote but an invitation to follow your own inner guidance. We are raised to conform and that often runs counter to our deep dreams and wishes.
  2. Never give up, while listening to your inner guide to make prudent changes along the way when appropriate.
  3. Find joy in what ever you are doing, it's really a choice.

15. What are you working on now?

My second book of poetry, new creativity classes, and leading shamanic drum journeys.

16. What's coming up for you in the next year?

I'm helping with the CA "Poetry Out Loud" program where High School students memorize poems to recite to a live audience. It's very exciting to watch them perform.

17. What else do you desire/dream to do?

I want to be in another committed relationship with a lovely woman. I want to travel and share my poetry around the country.

18. How will you make that happen?

Finish that second book of poetry, enter some poetry contests, do more open mic sessions, and keep doing what I'm doing.

19. What question would you like to answer that hasn't been asked?

What group is most receptive to poetry?

I would say the youth. When they are especially young they have less filters and blocks to their expressions. They can say their feelings without fear. They can be knock-out truthful that is amazing.

20. Where can we find you online?

Podcast: The Spoken Symbol