Body Blissmas (and a Happy New Rear!)™ is an engaging series by Jill Badonsky that works wonders year-round, and is especially fun to dive into before the New Year rolls in. Incorporating small-step Kaizen-Muse™ principles and her irresistible humor, Jill writes, "Body Blissmas is the marriage of creativity and wellness/weight loss (expand your mind, reduce your thighs)."
In this series, Jill provides inspiration, encouragement, and motivation towards helping you to nurture your creative gifts while being mindful of self-care around your body, mind, and spirit. Enjoy experimenting with "a new set of tools to propel you forward toward any positive change" and connecting with yourself on new levels through your imagination and senses.
There is no question that a nourished, exercised body makes using the mind for creative thinking easier. Not only is the mind more energized, awake, and apt to endure for longer periods of time but there is a direct correlation between movement and creativity.
Return to your creativity, strengthened by the wisdom you've earned from the previous year. Begin by asking yourself: What worked for me last year? Who was a good influence on me?
Use your imagination to invent characters that can help with your creative challenges and desire to improve your health. Ally McBeal had background singers, Jimmy Stewart's character had a six foot rabbit named Harvey. Who do you have?
The only way to create lasting solutions in your life is the repetitive practice of very tiny new ways to think and act. Act as if you are more confident, even if it's only 5% more confident, about your creative potential.
Our brains manifest and follow-through with creative ideas better when 1) we feed our bodies nutrition that optimizes mental and physical performance and, 2) we make regular flailing and hopping motions in order to increase our heart rate and circulation.
We mortals seem to love quotes. Quotes are like spiritual vitamins that fortify our spirits when they are undernourished. Quotes also have the potential to be creative experiences.
In the relaxing flow of gentle stretches, the mind connects to myriad messages found in our body, released in relaxation, discovered when the mind is tuned to the present. Learn 6 ways yoga and creativity work can bring more inspiring vitality to your life.
Consider consciously applying creative thinking to any area of your life that you can and notice how you create a more enjoyable, liberated and adventurous existence. Bonus fun: Cauliflower-Leek soup recipe.