Jan Phillips is an evolutionary artist, author, workshop director and social activist. She is co-founder and Executive Director of the Livingkindness Foundation, a global network of grassroots philanthropists turning creativity into compassionate action. Jan is also cofounder of Syracuse Cultural Workers, publishers of artwork for social justice and global consciousness.
Jan has taught in 23 countries, made a peace pilgrimage around the world, produced original music, and created several videos on the power of creativity to transform consciousness. As a performing artist/speaker, Jan brings music, poetry, and images to all her audiences, using the arts to inspire as well as inform. Blending east and west, art and activism, reflection and ritual, Jan’s transformational presentations provoke original thinking and evolutionary action. With stories, humor and cutting edge creativity, she connects the dots between science, spirituality and social action. Learn more at www.janphillips.com.
Author Jan Phillips discusses select passages, creativity, information overload, and spiritual practice from No Ordinary Time: The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Creativity.
We are collaborating in the ever expanding cosmos by expressing creatively the ineffable mystery that surrounds us, sustains us, enlightens and sanctifies us.
Homo sentiens will usher in cultures of kindness, economies of equity, politics of collaboration. They will rise up from the ashes of fallen institutions and imploded religions, bringing with them new myths and stories that heal and guide.
The threshold we're at right now is a precious one. The whole world is in our hands, and every one of us has the power to act consciously or not. If we do, what will change is us, what we'll save is ourselves and what will happen in turn is a deepening of our joy, our sensibilities, and our relationship to whatever we cherish.