Author Spotlight
With Robert Alan Black, PhD
Alan (Robert Alan Black, Ph.D.) is a Creative Thinking Consultant and his company is Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities. When not traveling the world, Alan calls Athens, Georgia home. As a consultant, speaker and author, he helps people expand and enrich their natural creative abilities. Alan uses his 46 years of daily creative work experience at 47 different jobs in eight fields, along with his formal education in creativity, design, architecture, counseling and educational psychology to provide: examples, skills, tools and techniques to everyone in his groups and audiences. He sees life, as a creative journey, not a guided tour. Learn more at
Are you ready to take an inventory of your creative traits? Each of these traits, if emphasized mildly to strongly, will help you be more creative.
Are you taking advantage of your "Zaps From Out of the Blue?" Do you write them down immediately? Do you put them into action immediately or reprioritize and set them into your plans for that day or soon?
Being creative is your choice. Yes major things or forces can stop creativity. Yet when we look at the history of invention or in general the history of new ideas we can discover that these major forces truly do not stop the devoted, committed, dedicated creation person.
Robert Alan Black, Ph.D. is a Creative Thinking Consultant and his company is Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities. ...
Take an inventory of your creative traits.
How to capture and use your creative ideas.
Creativity is a your choice. Will you choose it?