Orna Ross is a novelist and creative nonfiction writer. She spent most of her adult life in Dublin, Ireland, where she freelanced for a wide variety of Irish and UK newspapers and magazines, and taught creative principles, writing and freewriting to disparate groups from addicts in recovery with poor literacy skills to MA students. She founded Font Literary Agency & Writing Centre in Dublin in 2003 and supported many Font students and other writers to creative and publishing success. A serious illness in 2008 led to a re-evaluation of life and she now lives in London where she is at work on a new novel and a memoir, as well as blogging and speaking to groups about Creative Intelligence. Her website is www.ornaross.com.
A detailed look at the seven stages of the creative process: Intention, Incubation, Investigation, Composition, Clarification, Correction, Completion, and the behaviours and disciplines appropriate to each.
Ask questions, embrace change, don't pre-judge, look on the bright side, welcome problems, confront challenge, stick at it, be flexible.
You're not mad, you're creative. Use these questions to examine how you have experienced this ability in your life, particularly when you have experienced it as a liability.
Conventional intelligence is mental, rational and analytical; creative intelligence is all that but also imaginative, inventive and innovative.
The writing world is in the midst of a revolution. Not just a little different, not just email enabled, or website marketed but permanently transformed.
F-R-E-E-Writing is very simple. Its basic requirement is that you write as fast as you can, either randomly or on a specific topic. You write the first thoughts that come to your head.
New writers must first learn what it means to love writing for itself before all else. If you want to be a writer, not just a hack, you've got to make writing top of your heap.
Orna Ross is an Irish novelist and creative nonfiction writer. She has taught creative principles, writing and freewriting to many disparate groups. …