Jill Badonsky is a long-time Creativity Portal collaborator, a creativity coaching pioneer, inspirational humorist, artist, and founder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching™, a coaching model that guides individuals by using unprecedented approaches to busting through blocks to creative joy.
Jill has been a creativity coach and consultant since 1996 and specializes in consulting film-makers, storytellers, stand-up comedians, and coaching writers, artists, and anyone wanting to live life with more creative thought, action and fulfillment. She can be found lurking at www.themuseisin.com.
Learn about the book with the same name and get introduced to Aha-phrodite, Albert, Marge, Bea Silly, Spills, Audacity, Lull, Shadow, Muse Song, and Arnold (the Bodyguard). Plus: Exclusive interviews with each muse!
Stories filled with the inspiration of everyday Muses.
Read Jill's inspiring responses to questions about The Modern-Day Muses, creative process, perfectionism, and the Kaizen-Muse™ creativity coaching model she developed in this inspiring interview.
There is no question that a nourished, exercised body makes using the mind for creative thinking easier.
Exclusive book excerpts and controversial tricky leaks.
Excerpts from the book designed to create less crankiness and more creative joy in the world.