
Jill Badonsky, MEd

Author, Humorist, and Founder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching™

Jill BadonskyJill Badonsky is a long-time Creativity Portal collaborator, a creativity coaching pioneer, inspirational humorist, artist, and founder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching™, a coaching model that guides individuals by using unprecedented approaches to busting through blocks to creative joy.

Jill has been a creativity coach and consultant since 1996 and specializes in consulting film-makers, storytellers, stand-up comedians, and coaching writers, artists, and anyone wanting to live life with more creative thought, action and fulfillment. She can be found lurking at

The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) Series

Learn about the book with the same name and get introduced to Aha-phrodite, Albert, Marge, Bea Silly, Spills, Audacity, Lull, Shadow, Muse Song, and Arnold (the Bodyguard). Plus: Exclusive interviews with each muse!

Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching™ Stories

Stories filled with the inspiration of everyday Muses.

Jill Badonsky Interview

Read Jill's inspiring responses to questions about The Modern-Day Muses, creative process, perfectionism, and the Kaizen-Muse™ creativity coaching model she developed in this inspiring interview.

Body Blissmas and a Happy New Rear!

There is no question that a nourished, exercised body makes using the mind for creative thinking easier.

Trickyleaks: The Muse is IN: An Owner's Manual for Your Creativity

Exclusive book excerpts and controversial tricky leaks.

The Awe-Manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder

Excerpts from the book designed to create less crankiness and more creative joy in the world.