
Creativity and Innovation Author, Lecturer John M. Eger

John EgerJohn M. Eger, Professor Emeritus at San Diego State University is an internationally known author and lecturer on the subjects of creativity and innovation, telecommunications and economic development. A former Advisor to two Presidents and Director of the White House Office of Telecommunications Policy he helped spearhead the restructuring of America's telecom industry and was Senior Vice President of CBS responsible for Worldwide Enterprises, which opened China to commercial television.

Earlier he served as Chair of California Governor's first Commission on Information Technology; Chair of the Governor's Committee on Education and Technology; and Chair of San Diego Mayor's "City of the Future" Commission. The author of over 100 articles, books, and book chapters he authored the seminal "Guidebook for Smart Communities", a "how to" for communities struggling to compete in the age of the Internet; and "The Creative Community: Linking Art, Culture, Commerce and Community", a call to action to reinvent our communities for the Creative Age. He was Van Deerlin Professor of Communications and Director of the Creative Economy Initiative at San Diego State University from 1990 to 2020.

The New Creative Innovation Economy

Design Thinking: Meeting Demands of the New Workforce

Design thinking integrates the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.

How to Foster Creativity in the Classroom

12 Suggestions from the American Psychology Curve for creating space for creativity to flourish.

The World's Most Famous Scientists Are Artists, Too

We have to find a way to marry art and science.

The Role of Public Art in the Creative Community

Public art can act as a catalyst for community generation or regeneration.

Staying Ahead of the Revolution

Will robots replace your job or make room for you to pursue a new career?

The Future of Work: It's Not Just Art

The new urgency in recognizing the role of art, and the marriage of art and technology, in meeting the challenges of a new, creative innovation economy.

The Future of Work is Not About Robots, It's About Creativity

Unless the debates focus on whole brain thinking skills, about the importance of creativity, the machines win.

The Arts are Not a Frill

There is simply no excuse for not reinventing our schools to meet the challenges of this new global knowledge-based age.

What to Do About the 4th-Grade Slump

The malaise is marked by a declining interest in reading and a gradual disengagement from school.

Measuring Creativity in California and the Nation

An advisory committee on creative and innovative education.

'It's The Creative Economy, Stupid'

The creative economy is begging for attention.

Pleasure, Beauty and Wonder: Essential Ingredients in Today's Curriculum

What must our schools, and our communities do to nurture the creative and innovative spirit?

President's Committee Makes Strongest Case Ever for Arts Education

This is the strongest argument ever made about the vital role of the arts and education.