Spirit Doll

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Artful Project Prompts

How to Make a Creative Spirit Doll

Includes Free Printable Doll Pattern

By Violette | Updated December 6, 2018

Create a delightful spirit doll to help you connect with the divine in you and bring more creativity into your life.

Spirit DollUse these dolls to evoke a sense of the sacred in your home, altar or office. Each doll has a crystal and piece of sweet grass embedded within imbuing it with positive energy.

Materials Needed:

  • Cotton muslin
  • Fimo
  • Watercolor paper
  • Acrylic paints
  • Composition gold leaf
  • Feathers
  • Beads
  • Copper wire
  • Fiberfill
  • Glitter
  • White glue
  • Mod Podge
  • Fine tip Sharpie felt pen

Spirit Doll Instructions:

Feel free to use this printable pattern as a template or as inspiration for your own design. Download and print Violette's Creative Sprit Doll Pattern (PDF 140KB).

  1. Creative Spirit Doll PatternCreate a paper pattern of a simple shaped doll. Cut two identical pieces from fabric.

  2. Sew the two pieces together leaving an opening for stuffing. Turn inside out and stuff remembering to insert a piece of sweet grass and a special crystal. Stitch opening closed.

  3. Randomly paint your doll with acrylic paints. Brush Mod Podge over entire surface and embellish with gold leaf. Randomly sprinkle glitter on the doll.

  4. Cut circle from muslin and paint a face using acrylics and accenting with sharpie felt pens.

  5. Glue feathers onto doll shape. Glue face on top of the feathers.

  6. Shape a tiny doll, vegetable or whatever is appropriate out of fimo, bake according to package directions. Paint with acrylic paints. Seal with a coating of Mod Podge. Adhere to doll.

  7. On a scrap piece of torn water color paper randomly paint a design, add gold leaf and cut out gold star or heart which has been embellished with glitter. Attach a tiny feather. Glue to doll.

  8. Outline the face with white glue and sprinkle glitter on. You can also finish the face off with black dimensional paint if you prefer it over glitter.

  9. Further embellish the face by gluing on a string of beads.

  10. Spiral a length of wire and string on a few beads. Attach to the doll body with a couple of sewing stitches.

Now meditate on your doll and envision imbuing it with certain attributes whether it be greater creativity, abundance, good health or love. Place the doll in an area of honor that will remind you daily of what you are attracting into your life!

Next: Creative Play Cards Project

Violette's Creativity Tips

We are the Miracle We've Been Waiting for

We often look outside ourselves for someone to rescue us. If we are women we are looking for that Knight in Shining Armour; or if we are men, maybe that fair maiden who will take care of us and love us. It might not even be about love or anything like that — it might be about someone noticing our uniqueness, giving us a contract or making us happy or even whisking us away from the drudgery of day-to-day living.

The reality of it all is that the knight in shining armour dwells within each and every one of us! YES! That's the big secret! WE ARE THE MIRACLE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! Beginning today, why not vow to believe that You are The Miracle and act AS IF you are.

You'll probably notice things begin to change in your life. You'll start to attract the kind of people in your life that you need, your work life will improve — at least your attitude will and your creativity will take on a luminescent quality you've never before experienced. Here are some of the things you can do to manifest that in your life:

  • Repeat affirmations everyday about being the Miracle.

  • Write the affirmations down on a piece of paper, put them up on a wall, bulletin board, your dashboard, and write it in lipstick on your bathroom mirror or your bathtub.

  • Just know in your heart that you ARE the Miracle you've been waiting for!

©2005 by Violette. All rights reserved.