Artful Project Prompts
By Violette | Updated December 6, 2018
One of the most transformative and creative acts you can undertake is to create a mask of your face. You can utilize an existing mask, however, it will not be as powerful as using an imprint of your own face.
Masks were traditionally made to ceremonially be used to appease or communicate with spirits or supernatural beings. Originally masks were created not as art objects but objects that were imbued with an incredible amount of sacred power. Some were made to heal the sick. A shaman would create a mask symbolizing his journey to and from the spirit world. It is in this tradition that we will be creating our own mask; we will be acting as our own shamans healing ourselves in the process! This particular mask will depict the inner and outer YOU!
You will need to enlist the help of a trusted friend who will lay the plaster bandages on your face. For those of you who may be a bit claustrophobic this might be a bit of a challenge; that's why I mentioned you will need a trusted friend who will help you through the process by giving you a play-by-play description of what they are now doing and how much time is left.
When I enlisted the help of my good friend during this mask making experiment, I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable I was around my inability to instruct and direct. The lack of control on my part was very telling and a wonderful opportunity (albeit uncomfortable) to let go of control and surrender to the process. The fun part in mask making comes about during painting and embellishing. Like the journey of life, the creation of the mask teaches us lessons along the way if we are open to learning them.
This is your opportunity to reveal the dark night of the soul stuff which you keep hidden away. Mask making is a wonderful project to do in a group setting. Upon completion you can discuss what was going on for you as you embellished your creation. If you are making the mask on your own use this as an opportunity to journal about the experience.
Next: Funky Journal Cover Project
Violette's Creativity Tips
Have you ever wanted to reach for your dreams but didn't know where to begin? Do you know where the expression "Grabbing the brass ring" came from? It comes from the days of riding the carousel horse where you have an opportunity to grab the brass ring and win a free ride. It was a bit risky but worth it in the end!
Going for the "prize" can be frightening, however no less scary than remaining a mere shell of what you really are meant to be.
©2006 by Violette. All rights reserved.
Violette Clark is a whimsical creative spirit living in BC, Canada. She can be found driving her Glittergirl van around White Rock and living in the Magic Cottage. ...
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