Jonathan Vehar is a Senior Partner at New & Improved, an organizational development firm focused on the people skills for innovation.
Organizations that have benefited from his training, keynote presentations and facilitation include: Disney; GE; Johnson & Johnson; Kraft; McDonalds; Pfizer; Texas Instruments, the US EPA; and various business schools.
Investor's Business Daily calls Jonathan an "Innovation Guru" and he has written extensively about innovation and creative thinking. His book, co-authored with Bob Eckert is, More Lightning, Less Thunder: How to Energize Innovation Teams. As a speaker and seminar leader, Jonathan has presented creativity programs to tens of thousands of people, primarily in The Americas.
Jonathan lives in the Chicago area, and when he's not working, Jonathan can be found racing sailboats, cooking, and chasing after his dog.
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188 Strategies to Catalyzing Innovation
Powerful strategies to bring innovation to the organization NOW!
Scar Tissue: Celebrating Failure
We all bare the scars of failure. Life breaks everyone. However, some people end up stronger in the broken places.
Turning Off Judgment to Turn On New Ideas!
Creativity is pretty simple. All you need to do is open your mind to new ideas. Unfortunately, opening one's mind is not a natural reaction any more, and not easy to do.
Innovation Space Exploration
Designing your optimal creative environment.
Diving Deeper into Innovation
There's more to the science of creative innovation than mere tools and techniques.
How to Generate Better Ideas
Ways to help you create more options or ideas to solve your personal and professional problems or challenges.
How Can I be Creative and Generate Lots of Ideas?
The first principle of our process for being creative, be open to and create lots of ideas.
The Value of Making Mistakes
Go out there, try some new things, fail, and learn from it. It's the only way to innovate and improve.
Avoid Prematurely Killing the Next Big Idea
Sometimes creating brilliant new ideas is easy. It's trying to convince other people of the brilliance of an idea that's difficult.
To Solve the Problem Ask the Right Question
Some problems become huge obstacles that successfully prevent us from moving forward, unless we can apply our creativity to tackle them.
Seeking Answers With Creative Questions!
Using the SCAMPER method first developed by Alex Osborn and aconym-ized by Bob Eberle.
Creating the Elevator Speech
An elevator speech is the concise, punchy, planned description that overviews the value provided by a person or organization.
Art of the Song
Agaran's Creative Process
Badonsky's 9 Modern Muses
Bennett's Inner Voices of Creativity
Childers' Guided Imagery
Childers' 9 Greek Muses
Fitzpatrick's Rug Hooking
Mack's Chronic Creativity
Maisel's Meaning Making
Makridakis' Creating Time
McGlade's Creative Habits
Vehar's Business Innovation
Kindness: Pass It On!
Create Collage
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