Inner Voices of Creativity is a series focusing on those little voices in our minds that have something to say about everything we do. Some of the voices are helpful (the creative child, the observer, the patient one...), and some of the voices get in our way (the inner critic, the bully, self-doubt...). Join me on a journey where we meet each of these inner voices, and along the way you'll discover how you can embrace your own creativity more fully.
Using the SoulCollage® process to Recall Your Uniqueness. Allow your authentic inner voice to remind you that your creativity is yours and yours alone.
Using the SoulCollage® process for Divine Connection. How can you bring the Divine more consciously into your own creative practice?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Establish Creative Boundaries. Do you need to draw some proverbial lines in the sand in order to give yourself the creative freedom you crave?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Open to Inner and Outer Knowledge. There has always been a part of me who wonders, who asks a lot of questions, who is thirsty for knowledge.
Using the SoulCollage® process to Allow Supportive Connections. This seemingly strong, independent voice can really hinder your creative work. Reach out, take a risk, and watch your creativity flourish.
Using the SoulCollage® process to Calm the Stirrings of Impatience. If you're living the creative life, then your own little Gremlin of Impatience is going to rear its ugly head with you from time to time.
Using the SoulCollage® process to Nurture Your Inner Child. What does your Inner Creative Child look like? Is he/she getting enough healthy doses of creativity?
Using the SoulCollage® process for Inner Awareness and Understanding. Notice your own reaction to what your inner critic is telling you do you believe the insults and criticisms?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Connect to Your Writing. Have you ever been brought home to yourself when journal writing?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Facilitate Creative Expression. What does your Rebellious Inner Child do to act out her anger at you when she's not allowed to express her abundant creativity?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Develop Insight. Is it possible to use your own inner vision to enhance your creative work this week?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Intuit Inner Wisdom. Try getting in touch with your own intuition and watch amazing things begin to happen in your own creative life!
Using the SoulCollage® process to Experience Lightness. What is your inner chorus telling you about your holiday plans?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Experience Contentment. If the Voice of Impatience has the power to block us on our creative journeys, then the Patient Voice is the calming, lovely antidote.
Using the SoulCollage® process to Trust the Process. Is there a part of you who is ready to let go of something old and step out in trust on a new path?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Rest and Rejuventate. See if you can access your own Permission to Rest voice and allow yourself some luscious time and space away from your project(s).
Using the SoulCollage® process to Strengthen Confidence. Is there an inner voice in your mind that is full of self-doubt?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Make Your Own Music. What song have you been singing lately? Is this the song that you really want to be singing?
Using the SoulCollage® process to Relax into the Flow. What happens to your creativity when you lean back into your life and let it flow around you like a wild and wonderful waterfall?
Using the SoulCollage® process to be Nourished by Joy. There is a voice inside of each of us that says and fervently believes "I am worthy." Spend some time in silence this week and see if you can hear that voice inside of you.