Art of the Song

Actress and Singer Vivian Nesbitt

Viv NesbittVivian Nesbitt is co-host and co-producer of Art of the Song Coffeehouse with her husband John Dillon. Creativity. It's what we do — it's how we let the world know who we are and what we believe. Yet sometimes conveying the truth of our creative expression to others is an enormous challenge. The ultimate goal of the creative nature at work within us is to shine and bring beauty into the world. It's up to us to craft the setting that allows our expression to shine the brightest and the song that is our life to be heard.

Creativity Connects Us to the World

Creative expression is the medium through which we can help the world in some of the most broken places.

Stopping and Silence

Stillness is the beginning of creativity.

Light and Shadow Play of Creativity

Creativity is a force that can bring light into the darkest corners.

The Gifts of Writer's Block and Creative Blocks

Using pauses in the creative process as an opportunity for reflection and revelation.

Persistence as the Guide to the Creative Life

The creative habit is demanding. Persistence is a quality that needs to live in our creative work in order for it to thrive.

Swimming Deep in the Lake of the Creative Process

What if by swimming deep we find ourselves healed and happier when we lift ourselves from the cool water of creative process?

Honoring the Creative Process & Claiming Your Birthright

By expressing ourselves creatively and sharing them with others, we invite people in to see the world through our eyes for a moment without expectation.