Releasing Fear, Embracing Trust

Using SoulCollage® to Trust the Process

Posted 3/21/07 | Updated 9/12/20


This image of the girl with the man and woman intrigued me as soon as I saw it in the pile of magazine pictures at the first SoulCollage® workshop I attended a few years ago.

When I made this card for my SoulCollage® deck, I thought it was saying something to me about balance.

However, when I journaled with it and allowed its voice to speak to me, I was surprised to discover that it was about something else entirely. Listen, and you'll see/hear what I mean:

SoulCollage Card Created by Anne Marie BennettI am the one who takes risks, who steps out and trusts that I am being taken care of, no matter what.

I am the one who lets go of fear in order to walk across this line.

I can let go of fear because I know that I will be caught if I should fall.

I am the one who is supported by the strong arms and the love of others.

I am the one who can take risks because my own inner balancing mechanisms are safely in place.

I don't step forth into the unknown without that support beneath me, without that inner balance in place.

I give you the gift of Trust — in yourself, in others, in Spirit, and in the perfect order of the Universe.

I was thrilled to hear these messages from this newly-discovered part of me! Soon after I made this SoulCollage® card, I took a giant risk by quitting my low-paying, noncreative job that had been my safety net for ten long years.

Leaving that job allowed me to step out onto a whole new path that reaffirmed my creativity and teaching skills which had long been on the back burner of my life.

This particular card showed up several times in the following months during my daily SoulCollage® card readings, and its message to me was always one of leaving the fear behind and moving forward with joy and trust.

Free Instructions

Create Art with Soul: Free SoulCollage® Instructions

Inner Reflection:

Is there a part of you who is ready to let go of something old and step out in trust on a new path? It may be something as big as seeking a new job or relationship. Or it might be something smaller, but no less significant.

Give this part of your inner world some power and strength by simply recognizing it and bowing to it. You can dialogue with it, or make a SoulCollage® card of your own to honor it.

Name all of the support systems that are already in place for you as you begin this new part of your journey. Visualize yourself like the little girl on my card… walking across the entire thin pole. Imagine yourself falling, too, and notice how it feels as those four strong, loving arms catch you and hold you away from harm.

©2007 Anne Marie Bennett. All rights reserved.