Staying in Contact with the Divine

Using SoulCollage® for Divine Connection

Posted 1/14/07 | Updated 9/11/20


This card in my SoulCollage® deck was made from several found images that were calming and healing to my soul. I made it intuitively, simply enjoying the placement of the pictures on the card.

When I finished and really looked at it, I thought perhaps this SoulCollage® card was representing the part of me who likes and benefits from meditation. But my work with this card led me to a much deeper place.

Listen, and see if it leads you there as well:

SoulCollage Card Created by Anne Marie BennettI am the one who rests easy in the arms of the Divine.

I am the one who knows with certainty that there is power, abundance, and peace in seeking the Divine.

I am the one who awaits transformation as I sit in the stillness of the Divine Presence.

I give you the Divine Presence. It is yours for the asking, just for the asking.

I give you peace and a deep, centered, balanced stillness that penetrates to your very core, to your soul.

I give you the essence of your Self.

I want you to seek the Divine each and every day.

I want you to ask the Divine to come closer.

I want you to see the Divine in everything. Every one. Every place. Every thing.

My own spiritual journey has led me through many twists and turns, peaks and valleys. I have called the Divine by many names. However, the one thing that remains constant as I walk my own spiritually creative path is the sense of empowerment and love I feel whenever I consciously seek this Divine Presence.

I see my own creativity as a gift from the Divine, who is the essence of creativity in our world. And when I consciously acknowledge this Divinity in my daily life, my own creativity flourishes like a lush bouquet of wildflowers in a dry and sandy desert.

Inner Reflection:

How can you bring the Divine more consciously into your own creative practice this week? Is there something you need to ask for help with? Could you spend ten minutes each day journaling a short prayer of gratitude to this Higher Power for all the blessings in your life?

What if you simply sit in silence for five minutes before your day begins, breathing in and out, remembering that you are not alone? Try becoming more conscious of Divine Presence in your daily life, and see what happens to your creative energy.

©2007 Anne Marie Bennett. All rights reserved.