Joan Lefkowitz is the founder of Accessory Brainstorms and Accessory Resource Gallery. Remember the Topsy Tail? Lefkowitz helped thrust the item to a $100 million gross.
Cathy Yardley is a Chick Lit writer and the author of Will Write for Shoes: How To Write a Chick Lit Novel.
Angela Hook is a wire artist, art director, graphic designer, equestrienne, and author of Let the Wire Inspire: Release Your Creative Energy.
Pat Conway is a talented poet, photographer and librarian. She loves the outdoors, is an experienced bee-keeper and has been a bird-watcher for most of her life.
David Duggins is the CEO of Voidgunner Press, and publisher and editor of the online magazine, Spacesuits and Sixguns.
Interview with Lynda Lehmann
Lynda Lehmann is an abstract expressionist painter and digital photographer who has shown her art in numerous juried and solo shows in the New York area.
Interview with Linda Dessau
Linda Dessau is a music therapist, creativity coach, freelance writer, editor, ghostwriter, and author of Ten Ways to Thrive as a Creative Artist.
Interview with Dorothy-Clare Jacobs
Dorothy-Clare Jacobs is a creative-thinking occupational therapy assistant in the recreation department of The Milwaukee Catholic Home, a long-term care facility in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Interview with Annie Lang
Annie Lang is a self-taught award winning designer, author, and artist with how-to instructional books, licensed products and published magazine craft projects across six continents worldwide.
Interview with Kristen Fischer
Kristen Fischer is a freelance writer, author, and creative self-employment expert.
Interview with Kathy Rembisz
Kathy Rembisz is a children's author and an artist for a line of women's accessories, Desert Dog Designs, available at art shows and specialty boutiques throughout the country.
Interview with Anne Marie Bennett
Anne Marie Bennett is a SoulCollage® workshop facilitator, artist, and writer.