Authors : Bob Eckert

Innovation Leadership

Creating Growth Through Innovation with Bob Eckert

Bob EckertBob Eckert is a Senior Founding Partner at New & Improved. His work focuses on developing innovative organizations and innovation leaders via training, coaching and facilitation. A sought after keynote speaker who has delighted audiences worldwide with what the Associated Press has described as "evangelical fervor" on the topics surrounding innovation, Bob makes his home in the Adirondack Mountains of Northern New York State.

Creativity Features by Bob Eckert

InnovationBrain Tuning
How to create your own reality towards innovation and success by brain tuning your thinking, perspective, and opinions.

GeniusThe Story of Conflict
Conflict percolates below the surface, behind closed doors, and at the water cooler. These strategies will help you prevail over creativity-sucking conflict at work and in your life.

NewManaging Emotions to Foster Innovation
Creating organizational innovation requires that we utilize and manage our feelings effectively.

FearFear: The Great Innovation Killer
In human interaction and innovation, fear has its advantages. Here's how to use the longest running global pandemic to your advantage.

MindHumor and Creative Thinking
How to lighten up for enlightenment. The impact of playfulness and humor on a culture of creative thinking and innovation.

IdeasHow to Build a Better Idea Trap
Divergence, convergence, and guidelines for generating and evaluating new ideas.

InsightNobody's Perfect… or Surrender to Your Humanity
You are a human being. Nothing more, nothing less. So, stop wasting time and energy being ashamed when you mess up.

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