Mandala Making: Sacred Geometries
Art & Crafts : Mandala Art Making

Explore Sacred Geometry Design

Mandala Art Making

What are these cool circle things, and how can I learn how to make them?

Updated 8/5/15

Blue & Orange Mandalaman•da•la  (n): Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation. —Dictionary

Traditionally, the mandala is used as a spiritual tool for meditation, but it can be so much more. You can treat it as a contemplative work of art. Some find a therapuetic release in creating them.

Mandalas need not be elaborate or connected to any particular religious idea or philosophy. You can design them loosely like a doodle or with exact precision - intricate artworks with paint, collage, or color pencils. Artists are intrigued by the endless possibilities that exist making in these sacred circles, designs with center, repetition, and symmetry.

Want to learn more about mandala art making? Whether you'd like to make them by hand or with the aid of software, these resources will get you started.

Online Mandala Workshop

Emelisa Mudle's Mandala Workshop: A Gentle Reflection
Put aside one hour and create a beautiful place to be alone, light a candle, and put on some gentle music while following this gentle guide to creating your own mandala in any medium you choose.

Mandala Making Instruction

True North Arts 100 Mandalas
You are invited to create 100 mandalas in 100 days (they don't have to be consecutive days). Each week different themes and art techniques are explored at

Creating Mandalas for Insight, Healing and Self-Expression is the website of Susanne Fincher, author of a number of books including, "The Mandala Workbook" and the "Coloring Mandala" books. Site includes mandala history, videos on creating and interpreting mandalas, and printable mandala coloring pages to download.

Cool Art Therapy Intervention: Mandala Drawing
An illustrated feature from Psychology Today focusing on 'the circle game that soothes and illuminates the Self.' "According to Jung, mandalas symbolize 'a safe refuge of inner reconciliation and wholeness.' They have the potential to call forth something universal within, perhaps even the proverbial archetypal Self. ... If you want to try your hand at creating your own mandala drawings, all you need are a set of good colored pencils or oil pastels, graphite pencil and eraser, ruler, paper, and a round plate or compass to make a circle."

The Mandala Project
A wonderful place that teaches about the mandala pattern, mandala's in nature, art, and culture. This informational site includes the 'mandala approach to teaching' and information about the mandala and labyrinth projects.

Simple Geometric MandalaCheryl Finley's Mandala Oasis
Creativity coach, Soul Collage® facilitator, and founder of the Yahoo! Mandala Oasis Community, Cheryl Finley shows you how to Create Your Own Mandalas in several project tutorials and showcases her own mandalas and creative journey on her creativity-inspiring blog.

Buddhist Craft Activities: Making Mandalas
Learn how mandalas have evolved as a meditation object for awareness and concentration techniques. Understand the design techniques to mandala making (center and symmetry), and view sample mandalas to inspire your own craft.

Mandala: The Art of Power ... the Power of Art
Ray Whiting's Web site features a contemplative hands-on tutorial for drawing and working with your own mandalas, a description of mandala types, and a gallery of beautiful mandala art.

Mandala Makers & Photoshop Tutorials

How to Make a Mandala in Photoshop
Modern Gypsy's simple step-by-step tutorial for making digital mandalas in Photoshop. Knowledge of advanced software features / techniques recommended.

Ray Rasmussen's Making Mandala Lesson
A detailed mandala making lesson that provides an image for you to use in Photoshop and plenty of instruction / commentary on the process.

Ruth Temple's Mandala Gallery
A showcase of mandala art "sacred geometries" by Ruth Temple with brief descriptions of how they were created.

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