ADVENTure #11
By Chris Dunmire | Posted 11/26/23 | Updated 6/19/24
"Size up. The kids grow fast." —The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
We interrupt these Christmas ADVENTures with an important legal announcement.
As part of their benefits package, the shoe-making elves negotiated a lesson on shoemaking in the ADVENTure calendar.
At first, they wanted to do a 10-minute play, but since the ADVENTures are supposed to be brief, I said, "summarize in bullet points."
The editor couldn't decide on "shoe-making", "shoemaking" or "shoe making" so allowed them all.
Disclaimer: No actual shoe making instructions are in the lessons.
(in bullet-form for brevity, bolded for emphasis)
*Two actual lessons, one shoe-adjacent fact, and four unlaced claims.
©2021-2023 Chris Dunmire. All rights reserved.
#1 Gift Box
#2 Why Play?
#3 Orange-aments + Runner Sled Project
#4 Spills
#5 What If
#6 Update: Wabi-Sabi
#7 Ol'Factory
#8 Let Me Sk8
#9 Legend / Bedazzle's Foreshadow Card
#10 4 Steps of Creativity
#11 Shoehorning
#12 Setbacks + Update
#13 Unfin
#14 Creativity Step 1: Preparation
#15 Sagacious / Bedazzle's Slouchy Sock Card
#17 Creativity Step 2: Incubation
#20 Creativity Step 3: Illumination
#23 Halcyon / Bedazzle's ChristmaStreess Card
#24 Creativity Step 4: Verification